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VOICE: +49-8807-9930 (PCBOARD SUPPORT - DIRECT ORDER) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you use this PPE please let me know....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEND AN E-MAIL OR A FIDO NETMAIL. =============================================================================== POBMENU.PPE ver. 2.13 FREEWARE [PPE3] by POB(c)1996 Features: Full lightbar support, full configurable, multi language support, support for different Conference menues, Xpert mode and Lightbar mode, CMD line history like DOSKEY, 2 free difinable news screens, one multi entry field for unlimited additional commands, Hotkey support, direct change to the ListBox, show Broadcast Messages, New Mail posted durig session, Chat requests, Direct Chat from SYSOP, and much more.... Installation: Run MKPCBTXT and edit line 396 as follow: !\PCB\PPL\POBMENU\POBMENU.PPE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Insert here your path for the PPE. or Run INSTALL.BAT and follow the instructions. Run PCBSETUP and delete the entry: NAME/LOCATION OF USER MENU NAME/LOCATION OF SYSOP MENU Do this for all conferences! or Edit your BRDM and BRDS file and delete all characters in the File! Note: This is recommendet. When you forget this the old menu will be displayed every time when the POBMENU starts. Create a \HST DIR in your PPE Dir! Copy the includet $$LOGOFF.BAT in each Node Directory if you want to del the HST file after user log out. ******************************************************************************* Files: POBMENU.PPE Program POBMENU.CNF Config File for menu selection in conferences POBMENU.CFG Config File for the main program $$LOGOFF.BAT Sample Logoff.bat for the Node directories INSTALL.BAT Install batch for the PCBTEXT entry in line 396 MENU1 Display File #1 (English Language) MENU1.GER Display File #1 (German Language) MENU1.CFG Config File for Menu #1 MENU2 Display File #2 (English Language) MENU2.GER Display File #2 (German Language) MENU2.CFG Config File for Menu #2 MENUx Display File #x (English Language) MENUx.GER Display File #x (German Language) MENUx.CFG Config File for Menu #x MORE Multi entry command File (English Language) MORE.GER Multi entry command File (German Language) M10 Multi entry command File for conference #10 (engl.) M10.GER Multi entry command File for conference #10 (ger.) Mx Multi entry command File for conference #x (engl.) Mx.GER Multi entry command File for conference #x (ger.) NEWS News screen for Non Xpert mode XNEWS News screen for Xpert mode NEW10 News screen for Non Xpertmode in conference 10 XNEW10 News screen for Xpert mode in conference 10 NEWx News screen for Non Xpertmode in conference x XNEWx News screen for Xpert mode in conference x CHAT Configfile for the Chat request (English Language) CHAT.GER Configfile for the Chat request (German Language) You can use as many MENUx NEWx, XNEWx and Mx files you want (x) stand for conference number. POB(c)1996 - POBMENU.PPE ver. 2.13 - compiled with PPLC 3.22 for PCBoard 15.2x Codet by: Rainer Lindner (POB MAIN SYSOP, German PCBoard Distributor) This PPE is FREEWARE!! History: 25.02.96 2.13 Addet switches to enable / disable Broadcast display, Mailwaiting and Chatrequest display. 11.02.96 2.12 Fixed a couple of silly bugs 08.11.95 2.10 Changed the History handling, now all *.HST files are located in the PPEDIR\HST dir. Now you can leave the last *.HST file from a user in the \HST dir for the next call. Fixed some minor bugs in the code. 24.12.95 2.02 Fixed a bug in the CHAT module. 12.10.95 2.01 Fixed a silly bug with the Keyboard Timeout. (I removed the Keyboard check during the PCB 15.22 OS/2 Alpha test and forgot to include this again) 10.10.95 2.0 Addet the Support for Broadcast Messages, Mail Waiting, Chat Calls during Menu use, direct SYSOP Chat calls. 09.07.95 Use new Inkey() funktion for less cpu utilisation on multitasking systems like OS/2 from PPLC 3.22. Optimized the code for PCBoard/2 15.22. Addet the ability to set the startmode in the cfg file. (If you want to start the menu always in commandline mode set the line 19 in the pobmenu.cfg to "0") NOTE: It is possible that this version only run with PCBoard 15.22!! 14.06.95 Addet Hotkey Support and changed the ListBox handling. (Hotkey's only supportet for single letter commands!) 12.06.95 1.0 First Released 08.06.95 First Beta Bugreport: If you see any bugs, please let me know. You can reach me via Internet, Fido or direct. The numbers are in the top of this file! Licence: This program is freeware, (c) by POB1995 Use this PPE on your own risk!