Logon/Logoff Broadcast Program Version 1.2 Brought to you by Douglas Scott Joe's Bar & Grill BBS BBS - (317) 849-0561 VOICE - (317) 849-2196 (Voice Calls 10am - 9pm EST) Disclaimer - This product was written with PCBoards PPLC language version 2.0 and tested on PCBoard 15.1 /e100 running on an Intel CPU clone with 600k free memory. The author makes no claims for fitness of purpose on any other software/hardware configuration. (1) LOGONOFF has 2 ppe files. Logon.ppe is run at logon, logoff.ppe is run at logoff. You can place these files anywhere as long as they are run at logon and logoff. LOGON.PPE can be placeed in the LOGON SCRIPT QUESTIONAIRE. First, make a subdirectory in your \PCB\PPE directory called LOG. Copy all of the files from LOGONOF2.ZIP into the log directory that you just created. SETTING UP THE CONFIG FILE -------------------------- Use an ascii editor to edit logcfg. The options are noted in the bottom of the logcfg file. EDITING THE LTEXT FILE ----------------------- Ltext works the same as PCBTEXT. You may edit it to match your tastes. your default LTEXT file name is LTEXT and will be used if there is no language specific LTEXT file. if you use FRENCH and the extension is .FRE then create an ltext.fre file using the FRENCH language. INSTALLING LOGON.PPE --------------------- There are 2 easy ways to display the logon ppe. Option - 1 ------------ In your \PCB\GEN directory add a line to the bottom of your security level file that is displayed at logon. For a level 25 caller you would have a file called 25. For a level 30 caller you would have a file called 30. Add this line to your ALL security level files you have. !C:\PCB\PPE\LOG\LOGON.PPE Option - 2 ------------ Run PCBSetup, choose file locatons, then choose new user Logon/Off Questionnaires. Type in your Logon Questionnaire as C:\PCB\PPE\LOG\LOGON.PPE INSTALLING LOGOFF.PPE --------------------- Run PCBSetup, choose file locatons, then choose new user Logon/Off Questionnaires. OPTION - 1 ------------ Type in your Logoff Questionnaire as C:\PCB\PPE\LOG\LOGOFF.PPE Set line 8 in the logcfg file to 0 for "NOT REPLACEING THE G OR BY COMMAND" OPTION - 2 ------------ Go to your Pcboard subdirectory and run pcbsetup. Type B for file locations, then B again for Configuration files, then arrow down to your default cmd.lst file and hit the F2 key. Add an entry for AREG.PPE, security should be 0. Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement ========= ========== ========================================= G 0 C:\PCB1\PPE\LOG\LOGOFF.PPE BY 0 C:\PCB1\PPE\LOG\LOGOFF.PPE Hit ESC and save the file. Set line 8 in LOGCFG to 1, to let the software know you are replacing the G or BY commands. A file called BYE will be displayed for the callers, and is security and language specific. Then the PPE will prompt them if they want to log off, just like the G command does, and will then check to see if you have a logoff questionaire set in PCBsetup and execute the logoff script if you have one set. Other fine programs ------------------------------------------------------------------ HOTCHAT - Multi line chat PPE replacement for PCBoard. Supports multiple Chat Area's "Hot Tubs" Action Commands - Sysop Defineable Private Actions - Sysop Defineable Public messages Private messages User definable Hot Tub Topics User paging inside PCBoard Complete custimization with its own pcbtext style prompt file, and action command file... full multi-language support for pcboard. Over 2,000 lines of code and a year in the making! Requires PSA - Alias $40.00 HOTCHAT+ - *Upgrade* to multi-BBS chat* Connect multiple PCBoard systems together for one large chat. requires Hot Chat to work. $40.00 Due out in October 1994 TAGLINE - Use the city field for a tagline or wacky saying that others can enjoy when they do a who command. Allows users to change their own tag line. $10.00 ACHANGE - Change just your Alias command, for systems that run the PSA - Alias $10.00 AREG - Allow co-sysops to register callers in a private conference if the callers security level is high enough defined by the sysop. Co-sysops do not need Sysop security to use this PPE, uses a name match. $10.00