The Lightbar Menu v1.0 Edited and Recompiled by Derek Sayles This PPE is just like the msg.ppe put out by CDC. You can use this PPE for almost anything that uses a direct command from PCBoard. Example > E for enter a message or R for read a message. There are endless posibilities. I think it would work great as a submenu to help your new users with the commands. I'm not sure but I think it's limited to only 21 different entries. This is the format of the config file. 1st line - The title of what you want to do 2nd line - The command you use to envoke it A example config file file of a Door Menu ------------------------------------ Legend of the Red Dragen v3.20a < Title LORD < Command used to envoke it Usurper v.071 USURPER The Pit v4.03 PIT ------------------------------------- The next version will have Sysop configurable colors. I can be reached at Salt Air BBS or by the internet at I have several cool PPE's coming out soon. Alot bigger and better than this one.