BirthDay New In Version 1.7 Recompile. New Reg Codes Needed - See NEW-REG.NUM file. Coding would not permit month entries over 12 or day entries over 31, but it would allow date entries such as 00-00-00. Fixed. Zero entries will not be accepted. Also added this for "years" as we only have to worry about this for folks born 95 years ago or maybe in 10 years when those tikes born in the year 2000 start to call BBS's. :) BirthDay now utilizes TPA technology so you can use the same CWPPE TPA as my other PPE's. Or you can still use the User Notes or Verification PSA's as was supported before. See this section of BIRTHDAY.DOC file. BirthDay PPE now utilizes a PROMPTS file similar to our other PPE's. If you'd like to use RIPScript prompts then use a file called PROMPTSR, if you'd like to use LANGuage specific prompts then use PROMPTS.FRE or whatever the language extension happens to be.