HISTORY ========================================================================= v2.00 05/07/93 * Initial release of the rewrite. GRAF-D used to be known as ANSI-D before RIPscrip came along. It would not be fair to RIP if I kept the name the same. :-) v2.10 05/27/93 * Added a new parameter for the PPE -- /AUTO. If you want to force your users to make user of ANSI or RIPscript (if detected) then you'll want to use this switch. * Reworked the way that the PPE makes you aware that you have configured your system improperly. More precisely, if you have told PCBoard to default to graphics mode it will cause GRAF-D to malfunction. In previous versions, the PPE would attempt to leave a message to the SysOp. However, a lot of the SysOps were getting "No room for text" messages. Now a simple box is printed to the screen (not the modem). This should make it better for all. v2.11 05/27/93 * Looks like I optimized the code just a *bit* too much. :-) If you pressed enter when ANSI is detected it would set you to non-graphics mode. Fixed.