Fast-o-editoR v.1 Coded By Prototype [Docs] * [ INTRO ] * Hi All! well anyway its a cool userditor.. i am sick of that cufe by MS.. so here you go.. a cool new usereditor... enjoy! * [ OPTIONS ] * in the ppe u can go to the last user by pressing "]" or to the first record by pressing "["... u can move bettwen the users by pressing RIGHT,LEFT... use UP,DOWN to move by +10,-10 users... and use 1-5 or C(change password) to change the info of the user. * [ INSTALL ] * just put in the CMD.LST : COMMAND SEC RUN 7 100 C:\YOURPATH\USEREDIT.PPE Thatz it.. edit the USER.PCB file for what u want it to be.. and edit the USEREDIT.CNF if u want the sysop or cosysop well be able to see/edit the password of the user. Cy'a * [ FINAL NOTES ] * my first ppe for exile ! if you want to contact me just find me on the irc on the best channels... cya prototype Personal Greetz - Exile, KRYN, MoTiV8, Mind Crash, Ulc, Razor 1911, Hybrid.