DOORLST.PPE - Released as Freeware Copyright (C) 1995 by BootSoft! and Daryl Stogner ---------------------------------------------------------------- Brief DOCS! 1. WHAT IT DOES: This PPE creates and displays an on-the-fly door menu for your BBS by reading your DOORS.LST file. Doors with a Security level that you set within the DOORS.LST file will not be display. This door also let's you plug in the File_Id.Diz files or other descriptive files from each door you run and they can be viewed from the second menu by your callers to give them a better idea what each door is about. There's a command for NEW type callers letting them know what a DOOR is. Handles up to 60 door games and utils. 2. SETTING IT UP: a. Edit the sample DOORLST.CFG file with you BBS paths and info. Each line of the CFG file is described within the sample. b. Add this to your CMD.LST within PCBSetup. Press "B" twice and cursor up 5 times to highlight the CMD.LST option within PCBSetup. Change the "OPEN" command to this... C:\PPL\DOORLST\DOORLST.PPE Now when your caller enter the OP command for doors the menu activates. c. If you don't want to let the PPE display some doors in your DOORS.LST file such as SYSOP commands or doors, then put the appropriate security level in the DOORS.LST file. Three (3) security levels have been hard coded into this PPE. They are; 100 105 110 Make sure your Sysop and Co-Sysop doors are at the END of your DOORS.LST file that is editted within PCBSetup. Otherwise your 1.DIZ, 2.DIZ etc files will be out of order. d. Copy your DOOR FILE_ID.DIZ files into whatever single DIR you want (I use "DIZ" under the DOORLST DIR). Make sure you rename the DIZ file to the same number that is in your DOORS.LST The first door in DOORS.LST is "1.DIZ", second "2.DIZ" and so on. If you don't want to use this feature just ignore it, the PPE will still work. You can have up to 60 doors for this menu system. THAT'S IT! I can be reached at... BSO-2 (520)782-1122 USR28.8 Or FidoNet (1:317/104) Or PCBoard Support Conference carried on most mail networks