________)\ _____)\ ______)\_ \ \ / \ \ . \ ש | : | | |/ ___ \ ש /_________/\_______/_____|______\ \_________\/\______\______\______\ [PPE Division] - Press Enter To Continue Docs - שת How To Install: תש Load PCB Text and press the F2, load string number 418 and enter the information: !C:\PCB\ENTER\DOA!ENTR.PPE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is the path in which the PPE is located for PCBoard to load. Make sure that '!' is added to the beginning or the file will not load. שת Notes On Release: תש Please keep in mind that this is DOA's first PPE release. We are looking for some more programmers for the PPE area of the group. Anyway - It's Late, So I will either see you in the next PPE or I will catch you on a board. Lates. שת Special Thanks To The Necrolyte For The Lame PPE =) תש