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This is a sample of what the menu looks like: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 07-18-94 MainMenu v3.2 12:08 PM ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ þ Means the Command is unavailable at your current security level ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³þ J Join a Conference ³ ³ D Download a File ³ ³ I Initial Logon Scrn ³ ³ A Abandon Conference ³ ³ DB Download In Batch ³ ³ M Mode Graphics ³ ³ C Comment To SysOp ³ ³ U Upload a File ³ ³ O Operator Page ³ ³þ E Enter a Message ³ ³ UB Upload In Batch ³ ³ V View Your Settings ³ ³þ K Kill a Message ³ ³ F File Directories ³ ³ W Write Settings ³ ³ R Read Messages ³ ³ L Locate a Filespec ³ ³ X eXpert Mode Toggle ³ ³ Y Your Messages ³ ³ N New Files Scan ³ ³ OPEN a DOOR ³ ³ Q Quick Msg Search ³ ³ T Transfer Protocol ³ ³þ USER Listing ³ ³ B Bulletin Menu ³ ³ Z Zippy Files Scan ³ ³ WHO Else Is Online ³ ³ P Page Screen Length ³ ³þ S Script Question'r ³ ³ CHAT With a User ³ ³ G Goodbye / Logoff ³ ³ H Help With Cmds ³ ³þ TEST File Integrity ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Registration replaces the UnRegistered in the header with the name of your BBS, lets you add up to three additional commands to the menu for PPE's etc... as well as allowing security specific "footers" (like the 1 shown below) to give specific security level users more information! ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ You are at a new caller security level. You may use the VERIFY command to ³ ³ be upgraded. But ALL callers here must be validated for complete access. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Rename the included SAMPLE.CNF to MAINMENU.CNF and edit it to your BBS Installation of MainMenu is EASY! Copy your current "BRDM menu files" to a safe place and remove all but the "main menu" (the specific file as defined in PCBSetup. If this is BRDM then that's the only file that should be there (except when using RIP, this isn't RIP compatible). In the BRDM file there should be only 1 line, the line that calls the PPE and it should look like this: !D:\PPE\PPP\MAINMENU.PPE But of course the string must start in column one.... Now the config file, it must be called MAINMENU.CNF and it must be in the same directory as the MAINMENU.PPE program. Here it is: Intelec Online Your BBS Name 00000 Reg Number (when registered, 00000 if unreg'd) 00000 Validation Code " " " D:\PPE\PPP\MENU Footer File (security specific files supported) 8 Highest number of random color tables in use 10 1st additional command security level INTELEC 1st additional command Apply To Net 1st additional command description The registered version will let you add (3) additional commands to the menu display. Use this for PPE program commands, etc. Repeat lines 5-7 for up to two more commands (lines 8-10 and 11-13). The security level should match the sec level as defined in CMD.LST for proper displaying and also... the command and description cannot be longer than 19 chars total. If longer than 19 characters between the "2" fields the display will be very mucked up. Mine: "INTELEC" & "Apply To Net" are 19 chars. New in v4.0 Code optimization to increase speed of displays. New in v3.9 Now supports multi-lingual prompt files (ie) PROMPTS.FRE, PROMPTS.POR or a default PROMPTS. file. See enclosed PROMPTS.DOC file for certain prompt length limits. New in v3.8 Recompiled under PPLC v3.0 for PCB 15.2. PCB 15.1 no longer supported. New in v3.7 Now has it's own registration number, no longer uses Confmenu reg #'s. New in v3.6 Fixes bug where ConfMenu registration codes were not being recognized. Thanks to Danny Carter of Pleasant Hill BBS for his help on this one! New in v3.5 Minor code tweaking, optimzing and a change of validation codes (call the support bbs for new registration codes). New in v3.4 As time goes on, we all get better at certain things. I've learned ways of making code faster and tighter. You'll find that running MainMenu is now faster and you'll see the code is much smaller. Other than that, I have not had to do anything to cause you to make any changes. Just add this new PPE to the directory where the old one is and you're all set. New in v3.3 Renamed to MainMenu, rename your PRO-MENU.* files to MAINMENU.* New in v3.2 Now you can configure as many as 1000 color combination files that can be randomly displayed to your users. So as much variety as you want to configure gives your users a break from the same old menu. This is not a color change each call, it's a color change each time the main menu's displayed! Use the filename format MAINMENU.0 through MAINMENU.999, for as many as 1000 different color schemes! I've included 9 samples, from numbers 0 through 8. Always start with 0 as the extension, don't leave any blanks in the file extension numbers and reflect the highest number extension on line 5 of the config file. If you use MAINMENU.0 through through MAINMENU.32 a 32 must go on line five. If you don't want to use randomly changing color files, place a 0 on line 5 of the config file and only use one color scheme file called MAINMENU.0 (naturally).