ÄÄÄþRMENUS v1.00 þÄÄÄ Well, I coded this PPE cuz I hated the Menu Rotators I saw.... Most where those Lame ass ] or [ to switch menus, it was a nice idea, but I wanted something more like the Forum styles.... This is pretty nice if you ask me... þ Installation þ This is too simple... All you need to do is add RMENU.PPE to you BRDM??? screen, using this format (for you idiots out there) !C:\\RMENU.PPE in other words, to make this one step easier, on a my system (wich I just change for security reasons.. :) looked like this.... !C:\PCB\CIS-MENU\RMENU.PPE Its that fucking easy! Then, you need to add RMENU1.PPE to your CMD.LST, just load PCBSETUP , and hit 'B' twice, and arrow down to the CMD.LST, and insert a new line! add this to your CMD.LST C:\PCB\CIS-MENU\RMENU1.PPE Is this fucking easy or what!?! (Remember that you can make the path to the PPE whatever you want) þ History þ 10/02/94 : I started this PPE at 3:00pm, finished at 7:30, kept trying to make it one PPE, couldnt do it... :) þ What to look for þ I am currently working on five more PPE's all will basically make this one totaly useless... :) I am working on one that lets users select a prompt, menu, and stat screens... (I know, I'm another Forum Junkie..:) Well, I would put more, but I just figured something out.. If I list this shit, some jerk off will come along, and Rip my ideas! So I will only list one new upcoming PPE per release I do... BTW: De-compile this all ya want its a generic code, and I dont care... Hell but there cant be anything more lame than ripping someone off! þ Stryfe Greets: þ All of the CiS members! God damned, I hope we start getting more coders! Cold Fusion, wherever you are dude, Good luck! Dungeon Master: Dude, get the fuck outta Internet! Its killing ya! RLJ2 Man, what the fuck did you do to Dungeon Master?! hahahaha! Cloud Runner If it wasn't for you, I would never be here.... Vigilante Just for being the PPE guru, well next to MoonCrow PWA You dudes are just too much! :) ERRoR Man, Keep those fucking Ansi's coming! BLADE I dunno why, I just say Whats da fucks up!? ToSH10 Welcome to CiS dude! Hope you have fun! þ A quick fuck you list þ All lamers... FUCK OFF!!!! þ CiS Members as of now þ Apocalypse (CiS Council Member) DarkNite (CiS Council Member) Seleriquis (CiS Council Member) Stryfe (CiS Senior/Coder) HaZe (CiS Senior) ToSH10 (CiS Artist) Yep, thats it.. So far anyways... If your interested... Give our HQ a call, the number is 317-359-8809, Log in as CIS password: CiS Dont try to get warez, you wont find any, you really think we are that dumb? muahahahaha! Stryfe.... >EOF<