This archive contains six of the best PCBOARD PPE shareware utilities. Read the .DOC file for each for a full description and setup instructions for each one. You are encouraged to register them. If you do, then you will receive the source code and the freedom to modify the code as you please. Each PPE costs only $25.00 to register. All SIX for just $100.00, that's 50 bucks off the top for you. Please mails checks (U.S. Dollars) to: Robert Brower 964 Fernandez Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5V 1W9 *Disclaimer: Robert Brower and Total Access BBS take no responsibility for any damages caused by or related to the use of any of these products. Use them and modify them at your own risk. When you register these products you obtain a single site license and limited modification license which does not allow you to remarket these products as your own. Modifications may be made for your personal use only, please. Please do not give the source code away to anyone. If you support these values, then we can continue to provide you with the best products available and the best support too. Thanks, Bob & Co.