WiNDOWS '95 LOOK ALiKE MENU - CODED BY BLACK CAT [FSW] ------------------------------------------------------ Ok here it is: Just erase those BRDM and BRDS files, and make new ones with the line "!C:\PCB\PPE\WIN95.PPE". That's it, the PPE is installed. (No need to say that the directory may change depending where you put the file). 1) The FILE DIRECTORY command MUST be "F". 2) The UPLOAD command MUST be "U". 3) The DOWNLOAD command MUST be "D". 4) The NEW UPLOADS command MUST be "N S U". 5) The READ MSG command MUST be "R". 6) The ENTER MSG command MUST be "E". 7) The NEW MSGS command MUST be "R S U". 8) The COMMENT TO SYSOP command MUST be "C". 9) The CHANGE SETTINGS command MUST be "W". 10) The PAGE LENGTH command MUST be "P". 11) The VIEW STATS command MUST be "V". 12) The CHANGE CONF command MUST be "J". 13) The GOODBYE command MUST be "G". The BACKGRND.DAT file *CANNOT* be changed, since the PPE is coded in a way that it recalls part of this file. If you ABSOLUTELY want to change it, then I recommend that an EXPERIENCED ppe coder makes the job for you, and I say "YOU CAN DECOMPILE THE PPE, BUT YOU MUST WRITE SOMEWHERE "Coded By Black Cat [FSW]", to conserve my copywrite. If I see something changing or removing my name from the ppe, I can and WILL prosecute you in the court of law. Finally, Enjoy! :) NOTE: Don't forget, if you want a GREAT PPE, get an fSW '96 PPE :)