ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AutoSig PPE 1.0 Coded by Dark Creation [PWA] ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ AutoSig PPE 1.0 is a PcBoard 15.1 + PPE that allows your users to have a colorful autosig displayed at the end of their messages. The sysop can choose to stop the colors from being used in certain conferences so that if you have nets then people don't get pissed off at the @X codes in the messages if they aren't using PcBoard. It comes with an AutoSig editor, with many configuration options (See AUTO.CFG) which uses arrow keys and the +/- keys to change colors! Installation ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ First, unzip all the files into the directory you want them to be kept in. (Eg - C:\PCB\PPE\AUTO\). Now, load up PCBSETUP and under File Locations choose Configuration Files, and edit the CMD.LST file. Once inside add a command called: AUTO 0 C:\PCB\PPE\AUTO\AUTO.PPE EDIT ^^^^ Don't Forget To Add EDIT to The END! NEXT -- Run INSTALL.BAT and that will insert the PcbText entries for you. Other ÄÄÄÄÄ If you have any problems, suggestions, comments, complaints, or whatever else, leave me a message in AttitudeNet, PPE-Net, or on Help All Users (403) Greets ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dream WEaver Beta testing / Ideas Candy Man Beta testing / Ideas Krhyptic Beta testing / Ideas Underdweller Beta testing / Ideas Burning Rage Beta testing / Ideas Stranger Beta testing / Ideas Also: Pnakotic, Liquid Ice, Dual Standard, The Godfather, Pete, etc... And all former-Calculus members I didn't mention, all other PPE coders, all PWA members/coders, and everyone in (403) I didn't mention. -Dark Creation [PWA]