/Žnavrin Quote of the Day v1.0 (c)1995 Anavrin Software Compiled in 3.10 Requires PCBoard 15.21+ You can put this PPE just about anywhere on your board.. A couple are: Cmd.lst, login script, logoff script, etc, etc. Disclaimer: I don't even guarentee it will take up space on your hard drive. Registration: None.. Freeware, if you would like the PPS, call the /Žnavrin Software support board at (201) 670-7546, or you can get a telnet address from the file eagle.txt (support board advertisement) What does it do? Shows about 300 different quotes randomly to the caller in a small box :) Two other files are included (other1.qot & other2.qot) which include around 300 more quotes each so you can total to about 1000 if you get sick of the first set.