History file for ADPROMPT.PPE 9/22/94 Oooops, forgot to add the custom line to the ad prompt, fixed. Added another PPE called ADPRMT1.PPE, this is the same PPE, only compiled with PPLC 2.0, for compatible PCBoard 15.1 systems. So if you use 15.1, please use the ADPRMT1.PPE instead of ADPROMPT. 9/16/94 Took out the hard coded Sponsored By:. Now you don't have to worry about anything in front of your ad. If you want a Sponsored or Brought to you or anything else, just put in front of the ad. This was a big request, because people are using it to advertise other areas on their BBS and not just ads for companies. 8/28/94 This release fixed a spelling problem, to many people to thank for this. 7/31/94 Fixed a bug that left an '?' if enter was pressed with no other commands. (Thanks Charles Bailey) 7/16/94 Initial release