January 16, 1993: If you have a reason for the 2ACT.CFG to be located somewhere other than in the default directory, you can now add it to the command line. As: 2ACT D:UTIL1\2ACT1.CFG could be used as the command line in the file called by PCB if you needed to tell 2ACT the file is elsewhere (like, in D:\UTIL1)and is named something else (like. 2ACT1.CFG). Also, 2ACT allows entry into a sub-board with NO aliases, lock-out or allow checks. This option is meant for those that run a sub-board that either shares all files other than the PCBOARD.DAT, or a sub-board that is merely monitored by a separate Sysop who does not wish the alias and control functions of 2ACT - giving him the same control as would be had by any sysop of a BBS for access. Obviously, it supports any combination in between... September 13, 1992: If you use non-standard COM ports, this code is a MUST have replacement for previous versions. The 3rd line from the end in the 2ACT.CFG must read with: IRQ# ### Where the first # is the IRQ used, and the ### is the base address used for this port. These numbers should be identical to those used when PCBSETUP is used for modem configuration. BRUN45.EXE no longer required (faster running) 2ACT.CFG now has a line for registered Users to inhibit most CALLERS log entries, only loading and errors logged if this function set to Y (faster running) August 31, 1992: Please replace your current 2ACT.EXE with this new version. This is a maintenance release, as there was a typo that could lock your COM port under 2.4 & 2.5 in certain conditions. No other changes. August 26, 1992: Merely alter your 2ACT.CFG file to include the non-standard IRQ required for your COM port use. COM number still from the old PCBoard.sys file. The word RESERVED, or STANDARD should be in the 3rd from the last line (right before your BBS name) now - do not change this line unless you require a non-standard COM port use. Not mentioned previously under 2.4: Nag screens of ever increasing duration will pop up if you use Second Account without registering. This is not crippled in any manner, but, continued use without registering is not allowed, so, you get nagged to remember. August 21, 1992: This release now allows modem speeds up to 115K (finally), as the previous limit was 19.2K. Keep you eyes open for a release very shortly allowing non-standard IRQs. November 15, 1991 Due to a couple questions asked, I realize a bit more should have been included in the DOCs to help setup the Second Account PCBoard files. The following is very important, and missing from the DOCs. 2ACT is designed ONLY to be used with versions of DOS of 3.3 or higher! Running 2ACTSM via Doorway: The command line switch of /Q must be used for Doorway, or a blank screen is the result. PCBoard Setup: Several lines of your Second Account PCBoard.dat file must be set as follows: Modem Information - Modem Initialization String, leave blank Modem Offhook String, leave blank Reset Modem During Recycle, N Modem Off-hook during recycle, N Leave DTR up at Drop to DOS, Y Options #1 - Exit to DOS after each Call? Must be Y to recycle properly VERY important: It is casually mentioned in the docs, but to say it again, as it has been a source of several Sysop "problems with 2ACT", the BRUN45.EXE MUST be a DTR patched version. As any Sysop using a QuickBASIC 4.5 door has it patched already, I never considered including the patched version as part of the ZIP group of files. If you are not certain your version in use is patched, the result will be a loss of carrier when 2ACT exits - compliments of Microsoft. The patched vesion can be found on any large BBS, specifically ones that run a fair number of Doors. Also, it was mentioned at least 1 Sysop tried using OFF to return to the first account. I'd like to discourage this, as G is all that is necessary to properly recycle, and most Sysops will use G to create less work for themselves. OFF is mentioned in the Docs to provide a method of exitting both accounts from the Second Account. This can be reversed so G exits both, and OFF returns to the first account, but I think RETURN would be a better name. If it is reversed however, the Sysop must expect to rewrite the first account pcboard.sys file with the recycle. I am not comfortable with this idea, as an unforeseen error now has much more chance of loading the wrong first account - which I think most Sysops would find unacceptable. Failure to set the "Exit to DOS" to "Y" can result in the wrong flagging within the USERNET.DAT file by PCBoard. I'd like your input on this, to help make all the Sysops using the Second Account boards appear similar as far as Commands use. I will include RETURN as an option listed in the Docs if it seems there is reason for it. Properly set up, I do not see its value however. I can be reached at Polymath One 609-392-5953, or through the Throbnet network administration conference, or PCBoard or Sysops conferences of the Intelec network. Dalaye Gabriel