UUNAME.PPE 1.0 For PCBoard 15.0 Systems By Joseph Sheppard (joseph.sheppard@ledge.com) Sysop of The Ledge PCBoard (818) 896-4015 WHAT IS UUNAME? --------------- UUNAME.PPE is an executable program written with the PCBoard Programming Language from Clark Development, Inc. When run, it formats the callers name into an Internet email address for your system. For example, if your domain name is mybbs.com, and your caller is named Joseph Blow, the program will display the following: Your Internet Email Address on on this System is: joseph.blow@mybbs.com WHY DO I NEED UUNAME? --------------------------- If you aren't offering Internet email and/or Usenet Newsgroups on your PCBoard 15.0 BBS, you don't need this program. If you are offering Internet email and/or Usenet Newsgroups on your PCBoard 15.0 system, you might want to use this program to make it easier to let people know what their address is on your system. WHAT WON'T IT DO? ----------------- It won't handle netmail names that don't use the callers first name, last name and domain name (joseph.sheppard@ledge.com). For example, UUNAME will not format addresses for the Rosemail Internet gateway (rn.####@rose.com). HOW DO I USE UUNAME? -------------------- UUNAME can be run from the PCBoard command line, from inside a bulletin or other text file, or from your Door menu. UUNAME AS A MAIN MENU COMMAND: To add UUNAME as a command on your PCBoard Main Menu, you must insert it in your CMD.LST file. Run PCBSETUP.EXE, and select "File Locations". From the File Locations Menu select "Configuration Files". From Configuration Files, select "Name/loc of Default CMD.LST File". If the field is blank, you must specify a path and name. I'm using D:\PCB\MAIN\CMD.LST. Move your cursor over to the name and path field and hit F2. You will see the File Locations Screen. Mine looks like this: File Locations Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement =========== ============ ======================================= UUNAME 30 D:\UUNAME\UUNAME.PPE LEDGE.COM "Command" is the command your caller must type to run UUNAME. It doesn't have to be "UUNAME". You can call it "ADDRESS" or "INTERNET" or whatever will fit. Have fun and be creative if you like. "Security" is the minimum security level the caller must have to invoke the command. If you want everybody to have access to it, just put a "0" here. "PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement" is the command that actually executes the routine. You must have the complete path to the PPE, the PPE name (you can rename the ppe if you need to to get extra space here), plus your domain name. Don't get stressed out over the fact that PCBoard will only take your domain name in caps. UUNAME will convert everything to lower case. Also, don't include the "@" that should appear between the callers name and the domain name, UUNAME will plug that in for you. NO MATTER HOW YOU RUN UUNAME, YOUR DOMAIN NAME MUST ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PPE NAME! If you leave it out, UUNAME will abort with an error message telling the caller that the domain name is missing and to report it to the Sysop. Next, add the command to your main menu, so your callers will know it's there. That should do it! UUNAME RUN FROM A DISPLAY FILE UUNAME will run from most bulletins and other display files if you place an exclamation point, plus the command to run UUNAME in the first column of a line in the file. The command looks like this on my system: !D:\UUNAME\UUNAME.PPE LEDGE.COM See SAMPLE.BLT for an example of how to launch UUNAME from a bulletin. UUNAME RUN FROM A DOOR MENU Set up a SHELLED door on your system with the name that you want your caller to type in order to see his or her Internet address. This can be the same name as you've used if you have set it up as a PPE in CMD.LST, or a different name. The door batch file should look like this: @echo off echo !D:\UUNAME\UUNAME.PPE LEDGE.COM > PCBDOOR.TXT This will cause PCBoard to run the PPE from the door menu. It's slower than running it directly from the main board command prompt, or from a text file. However, callers get confused with PPE's sometimes and type OPEN before the name and get an error message. This would prevent that from happening if you used the same name for the PPE as for the Door. HOW MUCH DOES REGISTRATION COST? -------------------------------- This is a free program. You don't have to register it. It took me twice as long to write the silly docs as it did to write the PPE. If you like this program, call my BBS and type SUPPORT at the main menu. Download some of the shareware programs I've written and give them a try. If you like them, please register! HOW DO I CONTACT YOU? --------------------- Even though this is a free program, I am happy to support it and listen to your ideas for enhancements. I can be reached at the following addresses: Internet Email: joseph.sheppard@ledge.com. I assume this is your preferred method of communication, or you wouldn't be interested in UUNAME! The Ledge PCBoard: 818-896-4015. This is my BBS. Leave a Comment to Sysop. Visit the SUPPORT door for updates and other programs by me. U'NI-net: This is the echomail network where I am the International Host. Send mail to me via any BBS that is a U'NI-net member. I read the Sysops and Door-Util conferences on a daily basis. Compuserve: 73175,623. Regular old Paper Mail: The Ledge PCBoard Attn: Joseph Sheppard 6858 Acco St. Los Angeles, CA 90040 WHAT IF I WANT TO SUE YOU? -------------------------- Don't bother. I'm just a working stiff. The only people who will make money are the lawyers. At any rate, here is the standard disclaimer: DISCLAIMER ---------- I make no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. I shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by the user. I shall not be liable for any damage to data or property which may be caused directly or indirectly by the use of this program. IN NO EVENT WILL I BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY.