CONVERT.DOC 02/01/94 The CONVERT.EXE program converts data between several basic data formats. Features: * You can read data in from any of the following data formats: ASCII-delimited fixed field dBase-compatible * You can write data out in any of the following data formats: ASCII-delimited fixed field dBase-compatible WKS (Lotus 1-2-3 release 1 compatible) * For ASCII-delimited files, you can specify the delimiters used between fields as well as around numeric or character data * For dBase input files, you can retain deleted records if you want * You can resize variables or drop them entirely if desired * You can specify up to 10 include filters; all records processed must meet at least one of these filter conditions * You can specify up to 10 exclude filters; any records which meet these filter conditions are dropped * For WKS output files, you can process input files bigger than Lotus 1-2-3 itself can handle (1-2-3 limits input records to being 240 characters or less Program written by: Bruce Guthrie Room H-4885 U.S. Dept of Commerce/ESA/OBA/BSISD Washington, D.C. 20230 (202) 482-3234 You may freely copy and re-distribute this program; however, the U.S. Department of Commerce neither guarantees nor assures compatibility of the program with all computer software or hardware. Foreign users: Please provide an Internet address in all correspondence or and just e-mail your problems to me at Data format types: An ASCII-delimited file is one which typically has double quotes around each character field (the quotes are optional in CONVERT) and typically commas between fields. Leading and trailing spaces are removed from character as well as all other values. A fixed-field file places each field in the same column positions on each record. The lengths of the fields are the same from record to record. As an example, these might be an ASCII-delimited records: "Economic Bulletin Board","202 482-3870",35 "EBB High-Speed","202 482-2584",100 Fixed-field file records might look like this for the same data: Economic Bulletin Board 202 482-3870 35 EBB High-Speed 202 482-2584 100 WKS files are supported directly by Lotus 1-2-3 (all versions) as well as most other spreadsheet programs. DBF files are supported by dBaseIII, dBaseIII+, dBaseIV, and most other data base management programs (Paradox etc). Field definition file: Unless you are reading a dBase file, this program requires a field definition file to figure out the characteristics for each field and also to set certain file characteristics. If you're processing an ASCII-delimited input file, the routine can try to create a field definition file for you if desired. The definition file can be created with any text editor. The definition file consists of several records with the following fields separated by spaces. Except for the record type indicator (which must begin in column 1), all other fields can be placed in any columns: (1) record type (see below) (2) length of field on input (3) number of decimal places for numeric data (if you don't know, put a "?" here; for non-numeric data, a "0" is fine) on output (4) length of field on output Any characters after the field length are treated as comment fields. You would typically use this to enter the field name or column position or any other information of use to you. The data record types accepted by this routine are as follows: type C = character data N = numeric L = logical (T or F) D = date (in yyyymmdd format) The data fields should be in the order the fields are found in the source file. You may also specify up to 10 include filters and up to 10 exclude filters in the field definition file. If an include filter is specified, the input record must contain at least one of the specified character strings in order to be processed. If an exclude filter is specified, any input record which contains any of the specified character strings will be ignored. Filters are case sensitive (capitalization matters) and processed as "or" items (if any filter is met, the condition is met; filters are not combined to determine fulfillment). The filters are specified in the field definition file in the following ways: /+=string include filter, the string "string" can appear anywhere /S+=string include filter, the string "string" is at the beginning of the record /+S=string include filter, the string "string" is at the end of the record /-=string exclude filter, the string "string" can appear anywhere /S-=string exclude filter, the string "string" is at the beginning of the record /-S=string exclude filter, the string "string" is at the end of the record For example, if you want to specify in your control file that you only want records that contain either "Japan" or "France" *and* you want to exclude any records that begin with an underscore character, you would need to include the following three filter statements: /+=Japan /+=France /S-=_ The character string can include hexadecimal codes (in the &Hxx format) or decimal codes (in the \ddd format) if necessary. Note that for fixed field files, you have to account for every byte in the file. If you have something like this: 12345678_1_2345678_2_2345678_3 (column positions) APPLE X Y 12 BANANAS Even though you may think you only have five fields, the following .DEF file will NOT work: ; Bad .DEF file: Note does not account for blank spaces C 8 0 8 Fruit1 C 1 0 1 Class1 C 1 0 1 Class2 N 5 0 5 Value C 11 0 11 Fruit2 You may want the Fruit1 field to be in columns 1 through 8 and Class1 to be in column 10 but the routine will not know to skip column 9 so it will start reading Class1 beginning in column 9, Class2 beginning in column 10, etc. To drop the blank positions, you have to add dummy fields on input and ask for them to be dropped on output: ; Good .DEF file: Spaces between fields are accounted for C 8 0 8 Fruit1 C 1 0 0 Filler C 1 0 1 Class1 C 1 0 0 Filler C 1 0 1 Class2 C 1 0 0 Filler N 5 0 5 Value C 1 0 0 Filler C 11 0 11 Fruit2 You can also use the input field length and output field lengths to either drop fields using other formats (by specifying a zero length for the output field length) or for creating fields on output (by specifying a zero length for the input field length). You can also use this to expand on contract a field. For example, if Fruit1 is 8 characters long but you only want it to occupy 4 characters on output (thus the field would be truncated), specify 8 for the input field length and 4 for the output field length. For dBase files, a deffile will automatically be created for you unless you specify /DEF. In that case, the routine will read the deffile and act appropriately. This is necessary if you want fields expanded or ignored. Syntax: CONVERT infile [ outfile [ deffile ] ] [ [ /DEF=deffile ] [ /DEF | /-DEF ] [ /OVERWRITE | /-OVERWRITE | /APPEND | /OVERASK ] [ /FROM FIXED | /FROM ASCII | /FROM DBF ] [ /DELETED ] [ /TO FIXED | /TO ASCII | /TO WKS | /TO DBF ] [ /HEADER | /-HEADER ] [ /DELIMS=aroundstrings,aroundnums,betweenfields ] [ /BEEP | /-BEEP ] [ /INMISS=val ] [ /INMISSC=val ] [ /OUTMISS=val ] [ /OUTMISSC=val ] [ /SKIP | /MISSING | /ABORT ] [ /Q ] [ /? | /?&H ] "infile" is the file specification for the ASCII-delimited or fixed-field file you want converted. You can specify a drive and path specification if necessary. This parameter is required. "outfile" is the file specification of the file you want to create. You can specify a drive and path specification if necessary. If no outfile is provided, the routine will presume you want the output file called the same thing as the infile but you want the extension to be ".FIX" (if the output file is a fixed-field file), ".PRN" (if the output file is ASCII-delimited), or ".WKS" (if the output file is to be in a WKS format). "deffile" is the file specification for the field definition file. You can specify a drive and path specification if necessary. If no deffile is specifically provided, the routine will presume it is called the same thing as the infile but it has the extension of ".DEF". Note that the deffile can only be provided if you also specify the outfile name. "/DEF=deffile" is the same thing as the "deffile" parm alone above but it's not position specific so you can leave out the output file name if desired. "/DEF" applies to dBase input files only. It tells CONVERT that you want to read the field information from an existing field-definition file instead of reading the definition in dBase itself. Normally, this is only done if you want the program to expand, condense, or eliminate some fields. "/-DEF" applies to ASCII-delimited input files only. It tells CONVERT to scan the first few records in the input file and to figure out the field-definition file for you. There are some risks in this primarily in that the routine may guess a field type incorrectly. This also takes awhile. The routine will automatically write out the field-definition file for you if you select this option. "/OVERWRITE" says to overwrite the output file if it exists already. "/-OVERWRITE" says to abort if the output file exists already. "/APPEND" says to append (add) to the output file if it exists already. This option is only available if you're creating either a fixed-field or ASCII- delimited output file. "/OVERASK" says to ask if the output file exists already. This is typically the default but it's CONFIGWS-able. "/FROM FIXED", "/FROM ASCII", and "/FROM DBF" specifies the format for the input file. The routine will typically read the file and guess its format for you. You can also specify a default by using the CONFIGWS.EXE program. "/DELETED" applies for dBase input files only. It says you want to retain deleted records. Otherwise, they're dropped in the output file. "/TO FIXED", "/TO ASCII", "/TO WKS", and "/TO DBF" tells the routine what sort of output file you'd like to create. Typically defaults to "/TO WKS" although you can change this using the CONFIGWS.EXE program. "/HEADER" is used in conjunction with WKS output files. If /HEADER is in effect, the first row of the spreadsheet will contain the variable name for the cell as provided in your control file. If none are provided, the field names will be FIELD_01 onward. /-HEADER turns this off and is the default. Note that the header line (if any) will show up in the output counts. "/DELIMS=aroundstrings,aroundnums,betweenfields" allows you to specify the delimiters (in sequence) around string fields, around numeric fields, and between fields. Defaults to: /DELIMS=",,, (Use quotes around character strings, nothing around numeric data, and the third comma indicates that there is a comma between fields.) The replacement string can include hexadecimal codes (in the &Hxx format) or decimal codes (in the \ddd format) if necessary so either of the following would put a tab between fields: /DELIMS=",,&H09 /DELIMS=",,\009 See the table of hexadecimal and decimal codes at the end of this documentation. "/BEEP" beeps when the program is finished. "/-BEEP" reverses /BEEP. This is normally the default but you can override this using the CONFIGWS.EXE program. "/INMISS=val" specifies that any numeric value that has the character string representation of "val" will be considered missing. Note that this is an exact character string comparison so /INMISS=1 will not compare to a value of "1.00". Defaults to /INMISS=NULL (which translates as spaces). "/INMISSC=val" specifies that any character string value that has the value of "val" will be considered missing. Defaults to /INMISSC= (which shouldn't happen very much). "/OUTMISS=val" specifies that any missing numeric input value will be translated on output as "val". For example, "/OUTMISS=N.A." would fill in "N.A." for each missing value. Defaults to /OUTMISS=NULL (which translates as spaces). "/OUTMISSC=val" specifies that any missing character input value will be translated on output as "val". Defaults to /OUTMISSC=NULL (which translates as spaces). "/SKIP" says to skip records with bad data values; otherwise the routine aborts when it runs into any. /SKIP, /MISSING, and /ABORT are mutually exclusive. "/MISSING" says to presume any missing fields in an ASCII-delimited record should be filled in with blanks (for character fields) and 0 for numeric fields. Incomplete records are written out (unlike in /SKIP). /SKIP, /MISSING, and /ABORT are mutually exclusive. Note that the program will only print out the first "bad" record. There may be others that show up after this one. "/ABORT" says to abort when you run into bad records. This is typically the default but you can change this using the CONFIGWS.EXE program. /SKIP, /MISSING, and /ABORT are mutually exclusive. "/Q" turns off the line-by-line status report. "/?" (or "/HELP" or "HELP" ) gives you the syntax for the command. "/?&H" gives you a hexadecimal and decimal conversion table. Return codes: CONVERT returns the following ERRORLEVEL codes: 0 = no problems, file converted 254 = problems for formats of data 255 = syntax problems, file(s) not found, or /? requested Restrictions and Caveats: The program cannot handle dBase files with Memo fields. Most spreadsheet programs restrict a given field length to being 240 characters or less. Date fields which are in the form "yy-mm-dd" (instead of "yyyymmdd") should be declared as character fields instead of date fields. Date fields converted for WKS files are changed into strings of the "yy-mm-dd" format. Decimal and hexadecimal codes: e.g. "\066\097\116" and "&H426174" both are "Bat" +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | dec hex chr | dec hex chr | dec hex chr | dec hex chr | dec hex chr | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | \000 &H00 nul| \052 &H34 4 | \104 &H68 h | \156 &H9C | \208 &HD0 | | \001 &H01  | \053 &H35 5 | \105 &H69 i | \157 &H9D | \209 &HD1 | | \002 &H02  | \054 &H36 6 | \106 &H6A j | \158 &H9E | \210 &HD2 | | \003 &H03  | \055 &H37 7 | \107 &H6B k | \159 &H9F | \211 &HD3 | | \004 &H04  | \056 &H38 8 | \108 &H6C l | \160 &HA0 | \212 &HD4 | | \005 &H05  | \057 &H39 9 | \109 &H6D m | \161 &HA1 | \213 &HD5 | | \006 &H06  | \058 &H3A : | \110 &H6E n | \162 &HA2 | \214 &HD6 | | \007 &H07 bel| \059 &H3B ; | \111 &H6F o | \163 &HA3 | \215 &HD7 | | \008 &H08 bs | \060 &H3C < | \112 &H70 p | \164 &HA4 | \216 &HD8 | | \009 &H09 tab| \061 &H3D = | \113 &H71 q | \165 &HA5 | \217 &HD9 | | \010 &H0A lf | \062 &H3E > | \114 &H72 r | \166 &HA6 | \218 &HDA | | \011 &H0B vt | \063 &H3F ? | \115 &H73 s | \167 &HA7 | \219 &HDB | | \012 &H0C pg | \064 &H40 @ | \116 &H74 t | \168 &HA8 | \220 &HDC | | \013 &H0D cr | \065 &H41 A | \117 &H75 u | \169 &HA9 | \221 &HDD | | \014 &H0E  | \066 &H42 B | \118 &H76 v | \170 &HAA | \222 &HDE | | \015 &H0F  | \067 &H43 C | \119 &H77 w | \171 &HAB | \223 &HDF | | \016 &H10  | \068 &H44 D | \120 &H78 x | \172 &HAC | \224 &HE0 | | \017 &H11  | \069 &H45 E | \121 &H79 y | \173 &HAD | \225 &HE1 | | \018 &H12  | \070 &H46 F | \122 &H7A z | \174 &HAE | \226 &HE2 | | \019 &H13  | \071 &H47 G | \123 &H7B { | \175 &HAF | \227 &HE3 | | \020 &H14  | \072 &H48 H | \124 &H7C | | \176 &HB0 | \228 &HE4 | | \021 &H15  | \073 &H49 I | \125 &H7D } | \177 &HB1 | \229 &HE5 | | \022 &H16  | \074 &H4A J | \126 &H7E ~ | \178 &HB2 | \230 &HE6 | | \023 &H17  | \075 &H4B K | \127 &H7F  | \179 &HB3 | \231 &HE7 | | \024 &H18  | \076 &H4C L | \128 &H80 | \180 &HB4 | \232 &HE8 | | \025 &H19  | \077 &H4D M | \129 &H81 | \181 &HB5 | \233 &HE9 | | \026 &H1A eof| \078 &H4E N | \130 &H82 | \182 &HB6 | \234 &HEA | | \027 &H1B esc| \079 &H4F O | \131 &H83 | \183 &HB7 | \235 &HEB | | \028 &H1C  | \080 &H50 P | \132 &H84 | \184 &HB8 | \236 &HEC | | \029 &H1D ???| \081 &H51 Q | \133 &H85 | \185 &HB9 | \237 &HED | | \030 &H1E ???| \082 &H52 R | \134 &H86 | \186 &HBA | \238 &HEE | | \031 &H1F ???| \083 &H53 S | \135 &H87 | \187 &HBB | \239 &HEF | | \032 &H20 | \084 &H54 T | \136 &H88 | \188 &HBC | \240 &HF0 | | \033 &H21 ! | \085 &H55 U | \137 &H89 | \189 &HBD | \241 &HF1 | | \034 &H22 " | \086 &H56 V | \138 &H8A | \190 &HBE | \242 &HF2 | | \035 &H23 # | \087 &H57 W | \139 &H8B | \191 &HBF | \243 &HF3 | | \036 &H24 $ | \088 &H58 X | \140 &H8C | \192 &HC0 | \244 &HF4 | | \037 &H25 % | \089 &H59 Y | \141 &H8D | \193 &HC1 | \245 &HF5 | | \038 &H26 & | \090 &H5A Z | \142 &H8E | \194 &HC2 | \246 &HF6 | | \039 &H27 ' | \091 &H5B [ | \143 &H8F | \195 &HC3 | \247 &HF7 | | \040 &H28 ( | \092 &H5C \ | \144 &H90 | \196 &HC4 | \248 &HF8 | | \041 &H29 ) | \093 &H5D ] | \145 &H91 | \197 &HC5 | \249 &HF9 | | \042 &H2A * | \094 &H5E ^ | \146 &H92 | \198 &HC6 | \250 &HFA | | \043 &H2B + | \095 &H5F _ | \147 &H93 | \199 &HC7 | \251 &HFB | | \044 &H2C , | \096 &H60 ` | \148 &H94 | \200 &HC8 | \252 &HFC | | \045 &H2D - | \097 &H61 a | \149 &H95 | \201 &HC9 | \253 &HFD | | \046 &H2E . | \098 &H62 b | \150 &H96 | \202 &HCA | \254 &HFE | | \047 &H2F / | \099 &H63 c | \151 &H97 | \203 &HCB | \255 &HFF | | \048 &H30 0 | \100 &H64 d | \152 &H98 | \204 &HCC | | | \049 &H31 1 | \101 &H65 e | \153 &H99 | \205 &HCD | | | \050 &H32 2 | \102 &H66 f | \154 &H9A | \206 &HCE | | | \051 &H33 3 | \103 &H67 g | \155 &H9B | \207 &HCF | | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+