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VOICE: +49-8807-93333 (PCBOARD SUPPORT - DIRECT ORDER) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ POBJOIN.PPE ver. 3.00 FREEWARE [PPE3] by POB(c)1995 This PPE is the best CONFERENCE JOIN menue available! Features: Full lightbar support, full configurable, multi language support, support for different net (Internet, FIDO, Local, Usenet, support for FIDO compatible Netnames like MAUS, ZYXEL usw.), shows you last message read, highest and actual messages in conference under the lightbar, no configfile for these options needed (only for the colors and positions of the display), support shortcut key's for predefined conference numbers, show users who have no access to conferences the conference in defined colors or no display, only show used conferences, and much more...... Installation: Run PCBsetup, edit CMD.LST like this: Command Sec Minute Use PPE ..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- J 0 0 0 \PCB\PPL\POBJOIN\POBJOIN.PPE GO 0 0 0 \PCB\PPL\POBJOIN\POBJOIN.PPE ECHO 0 0 0 \PCB\PPL\POBJOIN\POBJOIN.PPE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ insert here the location and ppename defined in your system! you can use the "J"oin command only if you want. Files in this archiev: POBJOIN.PPE Main program compiled with PPLC 3.10 POBJOIN1.PPE Main program compiled with PPLC 3.0 (this version run with 15.2) POBJOIN.CFG Configfile for colors etc. POBJOIN Display file for engl. language (default) POBJOIN.GER Display file for German language. POBJOIN.CTN Configfile for NET-names (conference typ 1-5) POBJOIN.DOC This file Configfile layout: 1 1 @X0E @X0F @X70 @X07 @X78 @X08 @X07 @X0F @X07 19 18 4 4 2 20 2 64 2 72 2 56 2 1 1 1 1 1 50 0 100 500 1000 200 300 400 19 20 @XCF 10 29 0 Maus 100 200 Zyxel 201 300 Zerberos 301 400 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Line 1 Show conferences if user is not registered in (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 2 Show private conf if user is not registered in (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 3 Color of conference number Line 4 Color of conference typ Line 5 Color of lightbar Line 6 Color of conferences Line 7 Color of lightbar if user nit registered in conference Line 8 Color of conferences if user is not registered in Line 9 Color of number: highest message in selected conference Line 10 Color of number: actual messages in selected conference Line 11 Color of number: last message read in this conference Line 12 Number of conferences will be shown (Lines) Line 13 Starting colum of conferences (x) Remember ! 60 char long! Line 14 Starting row of conferences (y) Line 15 Starting colum of conference number display (x) Line 16 Starting row of conference number display (y) Line 17 Starting colum of conference typ display (x) Line 18 Starting row of conference typ display (y) Line 19 Starting colum of high msg number display (x) Line 20 Starting row of high msg number display (y) Line 21 Starting colum of actual msg number display (x) Line 22 Starting row of actual msg number display (y) Line 23 Starting colum of last msg number read display (x) Line 24 Starting row of last msg number read display (y) Line 25 Allow display high msg number (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 26 Allow display actual msg number (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 27 Allow display FIDO - areaname (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 28 Allow display conference typ (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 29 Allow display last msg number read (1=YES, 0=NO) Line 30 Starting conference # of key "0" -1 for disable Line 31 Starting conference # of key "1" -1 for disable Line 32 Starting conference # of key "2" -1 for disable Line 33 Starting conference # of key "3" -1 for disable Line 34 Starting conference # of key "4" -1 for disable Line 35 Starting conference # of key "5" -1 for disable Line 36 Starting conference # of key "6" -1 for disable Line 37 Starting conference # of kex "7" -1 for disable Line 38 Starting conference # of key "8" -1 for disable Line 39 Starting conference # of key "9" -1 for disable Line 40 Colour of * WAIT * prompt in Lightbar Line 41 IdleTime before showing Act & HighMsgNum Line 42 Length of conf. type display e.g. FIDO "[TERMINAT.SUPPORT.GER]" = 27 Line 43 Number of FIDO compatible net's Line 44 Name of FIDO compatible net 1 Line 45 Starting conference # of FIDO compatible net 1 Line 46 Ending conference # of FIDO compatible net 1 POB(c)1995 - POBJOIN.PPE ver. 3.00 - compiled with PPLC 3.10 for PCBoard 15.2+ Codet by: Reinhard Schuerer (POB INTERNET coSYSOP) Rainer Lindner (POB MAIN SYSOP, German PCBoard Distributor) This PPE is FREEWARE!! If you can decompile it, do it! History: 22.04.95 3.00 Code rewritten for Multitasking systems like OS/2. Now much less cpu activity! 04.03.95 2.50 code rewritten for speed inproovment, addet "#" command for direct conference # input, fixed bug with up/down when already on the first/last position. 29.02.95 2.30 addet privat conference flag check. if a user is not registered in he can't join in this conference, and when the line 2 in the config file is set to 0 he can't see the conference. (thx to sysop of NCE) 19.02.95 2.21 addet logging to callerlog compiled 2 versions POBJOIN.PPE with PPLC 3.10 POBJOIN1.PPE with PPLC 3.0 PPE who are compiled with PPLC 3.10 run only with PCBoard 15.21! 18.02.95 2.20 fixed a major bug, changed the ascii mode processing 09.02.95 2.10 fixed some bugs, e.g. sharing violation during FIDO mail in- export, TB_Q support. 02.02.95 2.00 addet FIDO compatible Netnames 31.01.95 1.01 addet "last message read" display 29.01.95 1.00 Relaesed!!! 28.01.95 0.99á first public beta 22.01.95 0.50á removed some bugs 21.01.95 0.40á addet cfg-file 20.01.95 0.30á addet highmsg & actmsg support 10.01.95 0.20á addet support for net-types fixed some minor bugs, addet TB_Q support. 03.01.95 0.10á First internal beta Bugreport: If you see any bugs, please let me know. You can reach me via Internet, Fido or direct. The numbers are in the top of this file! Licence: This program is freeware, (c) by POB1995 Use this PPE on your own risk!