PCBook v1.40 Copyright (C) 1996,1997 by Brad Larned FzSoft An Internet Address Book for most any BBS - Auto Robot Message Addressing! ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ˼ ͹ ͼ ͹ ͻ ͼ ͼ ͼ Warranty This product is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of the program is assumed by you. Furthermore, I the author do not warrant, guarantee, or make any represent- tions regarding the use of, or the results of the use of the program, and you rely on the program and results solely at your own risk. I the author cannot accept responsibility for system damage, loss of profit, or any other special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use this product. Licensing & (C)opyright This program, support files, and documentation are copyrighted products of the AUTHOR. The AUTHOR reserves all rights to these products. This is protected by the United States of America (USA) and International Copyright Laws. In no way shall the components of this software package be reproduced or modified in any form or method without prior expressly written permission from the AUTHOR. Tampering with or altering the contents or integrity of this software package is prohibited. No fee may be charged by any agency other than the AUTHOR beyond the cost of distributing unregistered copies without prior expressly written permission from the AUTHOR. Failure to comply with this License can and will result in suspension and removal of the License without refund. This program is distributed under the Shareware concept. You are allowed to operate this program for a trial period of thirty (30) days. After this trial period, you must register this program or discontinue its usage. Again if you do not agree with this then do NOT use this program. This program requires a key file to enable all features but is basically fully functional otherwise. Upon registering you are granted a licensed PCBOOK.KEY, which gives you certain limited rights to use the PCBOOK DOOR. You are granted rights to PCBOOK on a single BBS System. It may be used on several CPU's in a Networking or Multi-Tasking environment where the BBS System has more than one node. You do not become an owner of PCBOOK. FzSoft Software retains all Rights to all the software, copies of the software and related materials. This utility uses a key file that will expire after 30 days without registering .. This utility uses a key file that will expire after 30 days without registering .. ͻ This Door will Stop running 30-Day's after setup! ͼ ͻ WRIG! All FzSoft Software programs now ͼ perform a self integrity check upon start up. If the file size changes by one byte plus or minus, the executable will be deleted and the program will shut down. Do not run any type of anti-virus program on these files that places a protective wrapper around the program! ͼ Requirements At this point in time the only requirements are FILES=10 (or more) in your CONFIG.SYS file and ANSI.SYS. SHARE.EXE must also be loaded if you intend to use the door in a multi-node environment OR under DesqView. The door is 100 percent ANSI, ASCII, MAX, YAPP and RIP aware. A FOSSIL IS NOT REQUIRED to run this door unless you are using a DigiBoard or other type of intelligent I/O Card. Setup 1. Create a directory for the door (example: "C:\DOOR"). 2. Copy all the contents of this archive into that directory. 3. Run the door configuration program. (Config.exe) 4. Edit the PCBOOK.CFG file to communicate with your particular BBS package, the file is well commented and will be used to control the keyboard for your particular BBS package. PCBook will do the rest, automatically filling in the message To: Subject: and whatever else! PcBook uses the keyboard buffer so just enter whatever commands you need to start your message editor and then have PcBook enter the To: and Subject automatically! 5. To insure proper multi-node use in a DOS based multi-tasking environment, SHARE.EXE must be installed prior to the door, and prior to the OS. 6. Please make sure that you start Pcbook from it's home directory, Pcbook looks for files in this directory and must be started this way! 7. Maxupdate users! Remember to edit your dir.lst file in your maxupdate directory to point to the resource.lst file for Pcbook. Example: C:\DOORS\PCBOOK\RESOURCE You will find the resource.lst file in this directory. COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS In order to run the door program online, the following parameters may be used. For a list of all available command line parameters, simply execute the program with no parameters.... "/D={Node Work Path}\DOOR.SYS" - This tells the program to use the DOOR.SYS drop file and the {Node Work Path} points to the proper directory where the drop file is to be created or found. "/R={Node Work Path}\DORINFO#.DEF" - This tells the program to use the DORINFO#.DEF drop file and the {Node Work Path} points to the proper directory where the drop file is to be created or found. "/S##### (Where ##### is the user's actual baud rate) - This specifies the online caller's actual baud rate. You use this parameter to force a new baud rate if you are running the door with the DOOR.SYS drop file and would like to force the door to use the actual baud rate rather than the locked port speed. This will let the door calculate download times more accurately. "/N#" (Where # is 1..?) - This specifies a "Node Number". "/L" - This tells the door to load up in LOCAL mode. "/V" - This tell the door to force MAX Graphics, use in Local mode. Use Pcbook.exe /L /V for Local graphics. Control File Editor Editing Control File for Node 1 Ŀ Sysop First Name:The_________________ Sysop Last Name: SysOp_______________ Name Of This BBS: The BBS_________________________________ Sysop Security: 500__ Serial Number: __________ BBS Home Path: C:\SHOTGUN\_ Using Fossil: Y Input Buffer Size: 512_ Locked Port Rate: 38400_ Output Buffer Size: 1024 OK ܳ Digi Override: N Non-Standard Port: N ߳ Comm Data Bits: 8 Comport Number: 1_ Cancel ܳ Comm Parity: N Port IRQ Number: 4_ ߳ Comm Stop Bits: 1 Port Hex Address: 03F8 Help ܳ ߳ ٰ SysOp First Name: Self Explanatory SysOp Last Name: " " Name Of This BBS: " " SysOp Security: Set this to the same numeric value as the sysop security level on your BBS. Serial Number: Enter the serial number here that you are issued when registering this program. Repeat this step for every node. BBS Home Path: Enter the path to your BBS home directory here. This has nothing to do with drop files, the path to your drop files is passed on the command line. this is used so this program can locate your BBS system data files. Using Fossil: Are you using a fossil driver? [Y/N] Locked Port Rate: Enter the speed here in which your comport is locked at. Note: If you are using a fossil driver this must be no higher than 38400 baud. I have yet to see a fossil driver that doesn't ignore locked port rates set higher than 38400 baud. Activate FIFOs: Do you want this program to use modem FIFOs? [Y/N] Comm Data Bits: Set to the same as your BBS's Data Bits setting. Comm Parity: Set to the same as your BBS's Parity setting. N=None, O=Odd, E=Even Comm Stop Bits: Set to the same as your BBS's Stop Bits setting. Input Buffer Size: Set this to the same as your BBS or fossil driver. Output Buffer Size: Set this to the same as your BBS or fossil driver. Non-Standard Port: Are you using a non-standard IRQ setting? [Y/N] Comport Number: The comport number for this node (If Non-Standard). Port IRQ Number: The IRQ number for this node (If Non-Standard). Port Hex Address: This port's address in hex (If Non-Standard). Sample Batch Files For Running The Door CD\DOOR DOOR.EXE /D=C:\BBS\NODE1\DOOR.SYS CD\BBS EXIT or: CD\DOOR DOOR.EXE /N2 /S14400 /R=C:\BBS\NODE2\DORINFO2.DEF CD\BBS EXIT Features ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ͻ ˼ ͹ ͼ ͹ ͻ ͼ ͼ ͼ PCBook will work with most any BBS package! Your users and you can have an online Internet address book and PCBook will automatically address the message for you! Edit the PCBook control file to program your particular BBS commands and PCBook will do the rest! Now MAX Graphics is supported! Local and Remote display! Online database functions, very configurable. Each user has his very own data file, unique to his name .. Remote and local cursor key control. To scroll through the database use your arrow keys. The right cursor will take you to the comments section of your address entry, use the left cursor to go back again! Cursor down to move to the next 7 addresses, cursor up to go back. This door supports multinode use and provides automatic multi-tasker support (time slice releasing) for a wide variety of multi-taskers. Such as DesqView, OS/2, Windows, Double-Dos, and Novell Netware. You will need to run the program configuration to create the proper control files and node work directories. The only thing left to do after that is create batch files for each node. Troubleshooting 1. This door DOES NOT REQUIRE a fossil driver to run correctly. However, if you are running a DigiBoard or similar intelligent I/O card, a fossil must be loaded so the door can get all of the proper serial port information. 2. If you are running a high speed modem (9600 baud or above), then I suggest you run your BBS/Mailer/Doors at a locked baud rate. On high speed error correcting modems, locking the baud rate will have a noticable increase on the speed of text that is sent. It's beyond the scope of this document to discuss configuring your BBS and mailer for a locked baud rate, you may wish to consult your BBS docs for information on that. Here are a couple things to keep in mind when setting up door with a locked baud rate: a. If you are using a fossil, then make sure to tell the fossil that the port is locked. For BNU, to lock com1: at 38,400, you would use something like "L0=38400,8N1" on BNU's command line. b. If you lock the baud for one program, it must be locked for everything. You can't lock the baud for just this door, but not your BBS/Mailer. c. If you are using a fossil driver, do not lock your port at any rate higher than 38400 Baud. The fossil standards do not provide for baud rates higher than 38400 baud. If you do lock your port higher than this, then it would be best to disable your fossil driver before running this door to ensure proper operation. 3. What follows is some information on possible strange situations that may occur on som systems: a. Low speed users can use the door, but high speed users get garbage. - If you are the DORINFOx.DEF drop file, then there is a chance your BBS is writing the locked port speed to the drop file rather than the actual caller baud rate. You should either change to the DOOR.SYS drop file, or use the /S parameter to pass the actual baud rate to the door. Several converter programs are readily available on most BBS systems. CallDoor is a good one if you can find it. b. The door hangs up when a user enters the door. - Sounds like the door is getting the wrong baud rate somehow. Try switching over to the DOOR.SYS drop file method if possible. - This can also be cause by using a fossil driver and locking the comport at a rate higher than 38400. If this is the case, then reduce your locked port speed and try again. c. Text and screens are getting cut off. - If you are running with a locked baud, then this could be caused by some sort of FLOW CONTROL problem. Make sure your fossil is loaded correctly and not locked faster than 38400 baud. - If you're using something other than the DOOR.SYS drop file, then I always suggest trying to use DOOR.SYS if possible. It is the most reliable method and has had the most testing. If that is not possible try DORINFOx.DEF as an alternative. d. The door locks up the BBS on every node. - This can happen with fossil driver or the internal communications routines because it uses the default comport of 1 when NONE or COM0: is found in the drop file. e. ANSI is reflected correctly on the local screen but the user is getting garbage when using DORINFOx.DEF. - Assuming the user has ANSI installed then most likely the problem is at your end. First make sure the dropfile is passing the actual baud rate INSTEAD of the locked port speed. If it is not passing correct baud rate then you may need to use DOOR.SYS instead. f. When a user enters the door or when you run it locally, the screen appears to cycle (flipping) over and over until the program shuts down with a "Runtime Error 202". - This is caused by people running hacked versions of their fossil driver. Even though most of these hacks are nothing more than a copy with a new version number, once it's tampered with, it's a defective copy. Programs to avoid are BNU 2.xx and X00 2.xx. If at all possible, get your fossil drivers author direct! Updates To FzSoft Utils All updates can be File requested or downloaded directly from our support BBS at 209-276-3657. Send Internet E-mail to me if you'd like it sent by uuencode through the internet. There is now an FTP address located below and soon a web site .. Fidonet: 1:205/65 1:205/66 1:205/400 GDSnet: 100:1005/1 Internet: brad@psnw.com / larneds@juno.com Internet FTP Address: ftp.psnw.com /pub/users/b/brad Ordering Information Please use the Register.frm to register. Electronic Checking Now available online! Online Credit Card orders coming soon. Thank You For Supporting Shareware! Acknowledgements The DoorKit! - The BBS Door Development Kit By The People - For The People! - The ANSI/ASCII/RIP/MAX DoorKit v1.34 - No Copyright Notices Expressed Or Implied - Compiled By Larry L. Athey From Numerous Sources - Thanks Larry! Nice kit! END