COMMENT.PPS - Replacement for (C)omment command in PCBoard. Purpose: Intercepts the (C)omment command and display's a list of topics applicable to the comment command. If ANSI/GRAPHICS are enabled, allows the user to use the arrow keys to choose the correct topic. Or, the user can type the number of the topic as a "quick" pick. The PPE then stuffs the commands into the keyboard to use the (E)nter message command to send the message to the appropriate sysop. This PPE allows to freely choose how many topics will appear. Installation: 1 Unzip this ZIP-file into a the directory X:\PCB\PPE\NDCOM. 2 Edit the different NDTEXT files. If you write some more language files, please send them to my board and I will include them in further releases. Of course I will mention your name. 3 Execute PCBSETUP, go into "File Locations" and then into "Configuration Files". Edit the default .CMD by press F2 on the field and add: Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ ΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝΝ 1) C X:\PCB\PPE\NDCOM\COMMENT.PPE After adding the commands to the .CMD file list, save it by pressing ESC and answer "Y". Registration: Registration is free. Just call my board and type REG in the main menu. You will be immediately prompted for the PPE you would like to register and will get your key. Nice Day BBS BBS: 41-61-4619619 (28800 Bps) FIDO: 2:301/217 Oliver Jenni Nice Day BBS Lerchenstrasse 17 CH-4132 Muttenz Switzerland