INFOserver v 1.1 Copyrighted 1995 by LoboSoft Software, all rights reserved. WHAT does it do? INFOserver will automatically generate an e-mail or NETMAIL response in answer to a request for information. The request must be made to the "server" in order for this to happen. HOW does it work? Begin by setting up the configuration file. Directions are in the sample included with this archive. The first two lines are currently not used, but may be in the future for registration purposes. The address line must be either your or fidonet address. The "@" is not required as it is already hardcoded into the PPE. INFOserver will check your setup to find the MSG base, all it requires from you is the conference number. Change the msg base, and you don't have to worry about changing these configurations, as INFOserver will gather its needed information from the PCBoard files themselves. Run the PPE in an event. BE SURE TO RUN PCBPACK BEFORE RUNNING the server. INFOserver uses the IDX files to gather its information. All killed MSGs must be purged and a new index generated. Do not UPDATE the index, recreate it. Errors will occur if this is not done properly. Phantom requests and dupes will be sent. Be sure to run the PPE under an account that has access to the NETMAIL or E-mail conferences. HOW much does it cost? It is FREEWARE, as of v1.1. This is subject to change with later versions. There are no delays or nag screens. The serve appends a two line tag, which includes the version number and the service date to the outgoing MSG. Donations are always accepted. WHERE can I get LISTserv? LISTserv is still in production at the moment. INFOserver was released as a bit of a "sample" to test the market. We would appreciate any response, good or bad to this PPE. For more information, contact LoboSoft Software 260 Handley Court Suite A Tyrone, Georgia, 30290 (404) 631 8212 bbs Email: