GES Force Message ================= GES Force Message is a Freeware PPE, which forces personal messages to a User to be displayed to them when they log on to the BBS. It was written because I had a couple of users who I wanted to make sure read a message that I left them, regardless of the security level they were at, without forceing other users at the same level to read messages. With GES Force Message, if a users name is put into the FORCEMSG.LST file, any personal messages will be displayed, before they get to the menu prompt. This program is provided with no warranty of any kind, I will not be held resposible for any damages incurred while running this program. This PPE has worked flawlessly on my system for a period of several months, but I can not guarantee that it will work as well for you. If you have any comments or feedback, I can be reached on my BBS: George Siegel The Limberlost 814-725-2990 Running GES Force Message ========================= Using MKPCBTXT, change prompt number 296 to a line similar to (changing the path to what you will use): !H:\PCB\PPE\FORCEMSG.PPE Then in the same directory as the PPE (in the case of the example h:\pcb\ppe) you must create a list of names that you would like to have read their personal messages called FORCEMSG.LST. This would be a list of names in the following format: JOHN DOE JANE DOE JOHN Q PUBLIC When they next log in, when the BBS scans for mail waiting, any messages that are for those users will be displayed to them, without setting the message read flags.