***************************************************************************** SimDOS 3.11á Beta Copyright (C) 1995 By Mukunda Modell ***************************************************************************** This is a Minor Update.. There are alot of New fetures, and probably new Bugs.. The Bulletin Feture is now ALMOST working, You probably won't even know it is there (And you don't need to, itisn't working).. The main update that will affect the users at this point is a Few small fixes like "COMMAND.COM" does not say "Bad command or file name" any more, and "CD ???" Now reports "Invalid Directory" if it dosn't recognize the Directory, rather then "Bad Comand or File name".. Anyway, just install The PPE and PPS files over the old ones if you are upgrading.. ***************************************************************************** This PPE Started out to be a alternative to DOORWAY. That idea CHANGED FAST! I was over my head in a hurry! So, I stood back and looked at what I had achieved, what I saw was surprising! I found that this "SimDOS" would make a nice BRDM. Not to replace the BRDM its self, but for the EXPERTS out there that like to use DOS. I have included the scorce so you can add your own commands. I belive you will like it! ***************************************************************************** This program is in BETA Testing, I can not guarante ANYTHING about it, all I can say is that it will take up space on your hard drive if you put it there and that on my PCBoard system, runing 1 node on a 386DX/40 it works (Almost). It is not fully functional yet so don't get your hopes up! ***************************************************************************** Installaion is simple, add it to your CMD.LST file!! To add commands, simply put a ELSEIF line in the MAIN sub routine like this ELSEIF (UPPER(HOLD) = "") GOSUB Where is the command you want to add. Then add a sub routine to carry out the command at the end of the file like this: : COMMANDS ;Comments if you like RETURN ;More comments anyone? Or if you want to add a command to the Files DIR, do the same only in the FILES Sub Routine. To do this you will need PPLC V2.00 or newer. If you don't own this program you can buy it from CDC for $80.00. If you have any good ideas for this PPE, send E-Mail to: mukunda.modell@llpb.com or call The Round Table BBS at 417-683-4953 and leave a comment to the SysOp! Please if you make any changes to it PLEASE upload the changed files (PPE and PPS) as SIMCHANG.ZIP to The Round Table BBS at 417-683-4953 so that we can share it with everyone else! (I will give you full credit for the changes!). SIMDOS.CMD -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is like the PCBoard CMD.LST (Not the same format, just the same function) To add a PPE as a Command in SIMDOS add 2 lines to the SIMDOS.CMD file, line 1: The COMMAND to load the PPE line 2: The Path and Name of the PPE line 3: The Description of the PPE line 4: Repeat line 1 line 5: Repeat line 2 line 6: Repeat line 3 Etc.Etc.Etc. Q_WHO200.ZIP??? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is the Who is online PPE, unzip the archive into your SimDOS Directory and change the Config file to fit your needs... With out this the WHO command will not work.. If you want to use a different WHO PPE add it to the SIMDOS.CMD file, this will over ride the default command.. EDIT.PPE -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This PPE should be installed in the SimDOS.CMD file and is used as a Message editor, with this PPE the user can enter a message with out exiting SimDOS, its a bit crude but it works.. As with all my PPEs the Scorce is included, if you need to change anything, feel free, just don't Re-distribute a Modified PPE with out geting my aproval first (mukunda.modell@llpb.com). SimDOS.TYP -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is for the TYPE command, to control whitch files can be typed. It is formated like this: Lines 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,etc. are the name of a file (With extention) that can that can be typed: AUTOEXEC.BAT CONFIG.SYS HELP.TXT SIMDOS.DOC Etc. Lines 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,etc. Are the path to the file that is to be typed: C:\ C:\ C:\PCB\HELP\ C:\PCB\PPE\SIMDOS\ Etc. The file might look something like this: AUTOEXEC.BAT C:\ CONFIG.SYS C:\ HELP.TXT C:\PCB\HELP\ SIMDOS.DOC C:\PCB\PPE\SIMDOS\ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-