-+- DOS Emulated Logon Matrix -+- written by: SkaTeMasTer [THP] This is a PPE for PCBoard v15.0 systems, It is used in place of the PCBTEXT prompt: "enter your first name?" I've spent quite a few hours working on this, there is alot I am limited to with PPL at this time as more powerful commands are added to PPL, I will use them. The best thing to do is set this up and see how it works, make sure you edit the config file first. FAKE.PPE - Place in PCBTEXT record #260 ("Enter your last name") its a PPE that just hits return. It makes things more smooth for the user. * I need somebody to write a good set of DOCS for this... interested? ----------------------- HISTORY ----------------------- Aug-18-93 - v0.69à þ Fixed the valid key input in the feedback editor to allow all charaters. þ Added VIP list. If the file LOGIN.VIP is found it will be searched before a newuser is asked for the NUP. If their name appears they will not have to enter the NUP. Aug-3-93 - v0.67à þ Lots of cosmetic changes to Feedback þ The first line of the feedback message when you are reading them in PCBoard will have a line with the time/date in color, this is to make it apparent that the message is a feedback matrix message. þ NODE command added to matrix, you can put it in the dir listing if you like, just type NODE at the prompt and you will get a 'Node Status Display'. July-18-93 - v0.64à þ Fixed problems with fullscreen newuser questions that caused them to be stacked wrongly. þ The "DIR" is now read from a file called LOGDIR.TXT that way you can takeout things you don't want it there. þ CHAT.COM command added. Page the SysOp for chat. þ Number of lines maximum allowed in message editor changed from 10 to 20. July-2-93 - v0.61à þ Fixed a bug with an extra chr(13) in the keyboard buffer, I didn't test it before I released it. þ Now includes FAKE.PPE which will get rid of the "Enter your last name" prompt and make the matrix more smooth. July-1-93 - v0.60à þ First Alpha Release