-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ Enhanced Quick Login X.XX by Beast[XXX] Documentation ÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ-Ä-ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ- Table of Contents 1. About Quick Login 2. Installation 3. Future Ideas 4. Support ABOUT THIS PPE I looked on a few boards for something to do what I wanted, altho I never found it so here I wrote my own. Other than little things specific for my board this is my first PPE. The main purpose of it is to allow users to configure there own login, and be able to pick wether or not they want the Oneliners displayed and the Last Few Callers screen, etc. Users can login normally (using all defined login screens/ppes), fast (using no defined login screens/ppes), or use configured login. User Data files are stored individually in a USERS\ subdirectory. This MUST exist. I figured it would be easier to do it this way then to have one klunky file. This way its sped up and easier to remove non-existant users. Only users who change their login config have a dat file. INSTALLATION Make sure the USERS\ directory exists and put the PPE somewhere in your login process. One way of doing this is to change prompt #665 (Scanning for new bulletins..) in your PCBTEXT file to : !C:\PPE\QLOGIN\QLOGIN.PPE Most PPEs already in your login process should be added to the QLOGIN.CFG file, however some things you may want to be forced to run. (On my board I have a PPE I wrote which checks to see if the user has normal security or not, and if not it asks for an auto- validation password.) In this case you can make a text file with a line for each PPE like this : !C:\PCB\MNU\ACSCHECK.PPE !C:\PPE\QLOGIN\QLOGIN.PPE Then change your prompt #665 to say : %C:\PCB\GEN\LOGON Now edit QLOGIN.CFG using the parameters at the bottom of the file. FUTURE IDEAS I plan to clean up the code alot, to make it run faster, more streamline, and use less memory. I will probably add lightbar login configuration as well. Please let me know what you want to see. SUPPORT If you can't get this PPE to run on your own chances are I cant help you. The latest version of all my PPES are available on my board insomnia [41O]679-5642 from the matrix, or you can email me at jderose@metnet.epflbalto.org and if your really nice and dont bug me (and definetly dont suck up) then I MIGHT uuencode a copy of the latest for you. Please feel free to leave me any suggestions, bugs, comments or whatever.