PPE: NEW USER REGISTRATION v1.00 - Compiled on 07-06-95 Programm by CruZe PPLC V3.10 Contents: of CRUZINUR.ZIP REG.PPE - The Programm FOR new user Registartion REG.DOC - This File REGTOP.PCB - The txt displayed for registartion (Don'T change This file!) REGMATCH.PCB - The txt displayed after reg.NR. Match! NOMATCH.PCB - The txt displayed after 3 Times NO reg.Match MKREGNR.PPE - Programm to make you own REGISTRATION numbers. REGNUM.DAT - Registation Numbers Data (FROM MKREGNR.ppe) (Print it out and use the nummbers as one way NUP) LINE 1 of REGNUM.DAT Contains the number of Entreys. Description: PPE (PCBoard Programming Executable) that you can add to the NEWUSER display file. REG.ppe write informations in your callerslog if a User Try to register himself! Installation: Installation is very simple, just unzip these files to a directory of your choice. Run an editor of your choice and add the following line to your NEWUSER welcome file : !\REG.PPE (example of newuser file included) Run PCBSetup and edit the path of the newuser file in FILE LOCATIONS - DISPLAY FILES - NAME/LOC OF NEWUSER FILE For the registration number maker! Just edit your CMD.LST in your PCBsetup! for Example: COMMAND SEC PATH ---------------------------------------------------------- MKREGNR 110 C:\MKREGNR.ppe THAT's ALL !!!