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ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶķ INSTALLATION ķĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are some quick installation intructions: ž Make sure you have extracted the zip using the -d (create directories) option. ž Also make sure that you have the statistics PSA installed if you plan on using the lastcallers ppe. To install the statistics PSA take the following steps: 1 - run PCBSM. 2 - press D C E Y to add the statistics PSA. For some more information on the lastcaller ppe read 'lc.doc'. You will NOT have to follow the installation instructions for 'lc.ppe' mentioned in that file though, it's just a copy of documentation of my standalone lastcallers utility. ž Edit the configuration files LOGON.CFG and LOGOFF.CFG to suit your needs, make sure the pathnames are correct. Also change the paths in the lastcall.blt/oneliner.blt bulletins if you want to use these. ž Replace line #665 of your pcbtext with LOGON.PPE. Line 665 is the line displayed when looking for new/updated bulletins, so make sure that scanning for new bulletins is enabled in pcbsetup. To replace prompt 665 take the following steps: 1 - Run 'MKPCBTXT ', where is your pcboard textfile. 2 - Press F3 and enter 665 to go to that line. 3 - Replace that line with '!\LOGON.PPE', where is the directory where you unpacked the logon ppe, and exit MKPCBTXT by pressing ESC. If you want to put this in your logon script or so, keep in mind that if you log in local as sysop the logon script isn't executed. If when you log off as sysop the lco.ppe is executed and the lastcallers file is updated you might get some strange output (i.e for nr of files down/uploaded etc). This is because LCO.PPE requires some temporary data which is noted by logon.ppe in a temporary file. If you have updating of the lastcallers file for local logins disabled this does not happen of course. ž Add the LOGOFF.PPE as 'G' in your CMD.LST file. To do this take the following steps: 1 - run PCBSETUP 2 - press B B 3 - move the option to your CMD.LST file and press F2. 4 - Enter 'G' as the command, the security (should be low enough so that new users can use it too) and the full path of LOGOFF.PPE ( The installation of this ppe is optional, just installing logon.ppe and lco.ppe will work except that the user won't be able to enter a lastcaller message at logoff, page etc.. ž Replace prompt #192 with LCO.PPE using the same procedure as mentioned above. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶķ CONFIGURATION ķĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The following options are configurable through LOGON.CFG and LOGOFF.CFG. More detailed setup information is available in the configuration files. ž All the questions and displayed lines are configurable through the .CFG files. ž Optional quick logon, skips the rest of the ppe for fast logon ž Optional display of a comprehensive, very configurable last callers bulletin. ž Optional display of nice looking configurable oneliners. ž Optional display of a random stats file at logon ž Optionally allows the execution of an external ppe at the end of the logon process ž Broadcast a logon message to the other nodes. ž Logoff menu with the following options - Return to the bbs - Page sysop before leaving - Leave feedback to sysop before leaving. Multiple sysops menu can be used. - Show random goodbye screen - Built in page command, external page command ppe can be called. Internal page uses the correct page time. - Leave a last caller message for the next users LCO.PPE updates the lastcallers bulletin. Putting it at prompt 418 allows it to catch hangups/bye's etc. To configure the lastcallers use LC.CFG The file LASTCALL.EX can be used to exclude certain users from being added to the lastcallers bulletin. Just add the users to this file. The subdirectory WORK holds the temporary files used by the ppe's. The subdirectory GRAPH contains the display files used by the ppe's. Here's a list of files in there that you can change to suit your needs: lchdr<#> - Lastcaller bulletin header files. lcftr<#> - Lastcaller bulletin footer files. lcdat<#> - Lastcaller bulletin data files. olhdr<#> - Oneliners bulletin header files. olftr<#> - Oneliners bulletin footer files. oldat<#> - Oneliners bulletin data files. oneliner.use - Holds the names of the users that entered the oneliners. olhlp - Help file displayed when user enters a new oneliner. off<#> - Randomly displayed logoff menus. stats<#> - Randomly displayed statistics files. bye<#> - Randomly displayed goodbye files. *text - Various text files, these contain all the prompts etc used. msg - Last caller message. msghdr - Last caller message header. msgftr - Last caller message footer. FEED#, FB* - Feedback PPE related files. PAGE#, PG* - Page PPE related files. Note that the PGSYS file (shown to the sysop when paging) should only contain ansi codes as @ codes are not recognized. You can call logon.ppe with a parameter OL to display the onliners bulletin only, use this as a oneliners door. Only value of importance in the logon.cfg file when using this option is the number of oneliners to maintain, just make sure this isn't 0 or else nothing will be displayed. You can use the LASTCALL.BLT file as a lastcallers bulletin, just add it to you bulletins. Make sure the directories in this file are right. As of version 1.0į the feedback/page commands have moved to external ppe's. These ppe's are also fully functional on their own. Have a look at the configuration files (feedback.cfg and page.cfg). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶķ AUTHOR ķĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For fast response mail me on internet (an42144@anon.penet.fi). You can also contact me at The Godfather, MaFIA WHQ by mailing 'El GaTO'. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions/comments please let me know. I've been having problems with the anon server. Not only has it gotten too slow but it also doesn't allow reasonably big files (>40K) to be mailed through it. So if you want me to send you the newest version of this or any other of my PPEs send me your non anonymous address, and I will forward you the files. Alternatively you can also get the newest versions at wuarchive.wustl.edu in directory /pub/MSDOS_UPLOADS/ppe. If anyone knows of any better (internet) places to put these I'm open to suggestions.