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To do this execute the following steps: 1 - run PCBSM. 2 - press D C E Y to add the statistics PSA. If you haven't got the statistics PSA installed you might get some strange output. Some entries (such as the users name, location, logon time, time used etc) don't need the statstics PSA and some people might only want to display the name, location and logon time or so, so that's why I refrained from terminating the program if the psa wasn't installed. The %COMMENT% entry (see below for code definitions) will certainly not work if the psa is not available. If you're unsure if some entry will work without the psa just try it, if you get strange output you'll know ;). ž Add '!\lc.ppe', where is the directory where the ppe resides, somewhere in your logon process. It will show the bulletin and store some temporary info needed by lco.ppe to update the bulletin. I put it in my logon script. ž Put '!\lco.ppe' somewhere in your logoff process. The BEST place to put 'lco.ppe' is pcbtext line #192 (display number of minutes the user was on), this also catches keyboard timeouts, bye's etc. To do this take the following steps: 1 - Run 'mkpcbtxt ', where is your pcboard textfile. 2 - Press F3 and enter 192. 3 - Replace the prompt by '!\lco.ppe' and exit mkpcbtxt. All the lco ppe does is update the lastcaller bulletin(s). If by some miracle 'lc.ppe' is not executed for a user but 'lco.ppe' is you might get some strange output (Like negative files downloaded). I've put some verification code to try to check if lc.ppe was called for this user, but you never know ;). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶķ CONFIGURATION ķĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The 'graph' subdir holds all the headers, footers and data files. 'graph\lcdat#' contain the data files created by lco.ppe. 'graph\lchdr#' and 'graph\lcftr#' are the header/footer files shown. For each scheme you've defined (line 5 in lc.cfg) there has to be a header/footer pair (eg: if you've only got one, graph\lchdr1 and graph\lcftr1 must exist). The 'lastcall.ex' file can be used to exclude certain users from being added to the lastcallers file. Just add the names to this file. You can call 'lc.ppe' with parameter 'SHOW' to only show the bulletin. Use this option if you want to add this to your bulletin file in pcbsetup. The temporary file will not be updated when using this option. Parameter 'NOSHOW' can be used to let the 'lc.ppe' update the temporary user information without displaying the bulletin. If for some reason you end up having some garbage at the end of one or more lcdat# files (eg. you decreased the # of lastcallers maintained while having full lcdat# files, or you changed a layout while having some old entries in the lcdat# files) just delete the lcdat# files in directory graph and everything should be fine after that (if not then it's a bug;)). 'lc.cfg' is the configuration file. The lines in that file are defined as follows: Line 1: Max # of lastcallers to maintain (max 50). If this is 0 the lastcallers updating is skipped. If you lower this value (while already having full bulletins running delete the 'lcdat#' files in dir graph to build up the new smaller bulletins. Line 2: Yes to include local logins in the lastcallers file Line 3: Yes to display a 'press enter to continue' after the bulletin is shown. Line 4: Line displayed by lco.ppe. Use this to replace pcbtext prompt 192. Line 5: # of different lastcaller column schemes which are defined in the following lines. Each scheme has two lines associated with it. Line 6: 3 tokens: 1 - Foreground color for that %STATS% code (see below). 2 - Background color for the %STATS% code. 3 - Seperator character to use for the %STATS% code. Line 7: Lastcaller entry definition for the first header/footer. The maximum length of the line is 2024 (BIGSTR) characters. The codes you can use are: A code with '_L' means that the value is left justificated. In these codes '_R' instead of '_L' is also allowed to force right justification. %NODE_L% - Node number (length 2) %DATE% - Logon date (length 5) %NAME_L% - User name (length 20) %CITY_L% - User location/city (length 20) %ONTIME% - Logon time (length 5) %OFFTIME% - Logoff time (length 5) %MINS_L% - Minutes used (length 5) %BPS_L% - Connect speed (BPS) (length 6) %STATS% - Statistics string (length 7) The statistics string contains the following information: U = user has Uploaded D = user has Downloaded W = user has Written one or more messages R = user has Read one or more messages P = user has Paged the sysop one or more times G = user has Group\node chatted H = user is a possible Hacker %SEC_L% - User security (length 3) %KBDL_L% - Kb downloaded this call (length 6) %KBUL_L% - Kb uploaded this call (length 6) %FDL_L% - Files downloaded this call (length 3) %FUL_L% - Files uploaded this call (length 3) %CALLS_L% - Total user calls to bbs (length 5) %MSGRD_L% - Messages read this call (length 3) %MSGWR_L% - Messages left this call (length 3) %ALIAS_L% - Users alias (use only if you have aliases enabled) (length 20) Line 8: Etc, etc... ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶķ AUTHOR ķĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶĶÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ You can contact me at MaFIA Godfather HQ under handle El GaTO or mail me on internet at: an42144@anon.penet.fi