··Ö·ÖÒ·Ö·ÖÒ·Ö· Ó×ÐнÐÓÐнÐÓ×× Ó½Brand PPEs½Ó Presents FILE REQUEST PPE ******** THIS WILL ONLY WORK W/PCB 15.1!! ********** ******** IF YOU NEED 15.0 CODE, GET AHOLD OF ME! ********** Whatsup!!! To use the ppe, just add the path RQST1.PPE into the cmd.lst. (e.g. C:\PCB\PPL\REQUEST\RQST1.PPE) If you don't know how, !!ASK A REAL FUCKEN' SYSOP!! My next version (1.5??) will be out VERY SOON, and wil be ALOT more customizable, so keep an eye out for it!! SEEEEEEEEYYYYYYAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! ­CaFFinE! I'm tryin' to get some more PPE programmers (or I could always use ansi artists!) for YoMaMa PPE's.... If you have a problem, need the source or just wanna talk to me, i can be reached at: GROUND ZERO BBS (707) 444-9123 4 Gigz-4 Nodes NUP: FUCKME If you hate filling out those fucken' apps (like I do), you can just leave feedback to the sysop at the matrix...I'll get it...