D O W N L O A D R E S U M E H I S T O R Y ---------------------------------------------- 10-07-95 þ Release of Version 1.02 - Found a bug on the CARRLOST.PPE. Fixed - Found a bug on the EVENT.PPE. Fixed - General code cleanup. PS: My internet address has changed *again*. The new is: pedro.chaves@msmac.atlantis.puug.pt 16-04-95 þ Release of Version 1.01 - This version requires PCBoard 15.21. Compiled with PPLC v3.10 - Changed the code of the intro.ppe. Now much faster. - Haded another program (EVENT.PPE), to delete old file lists. Can also send messages to the users, warning that the file list has been deleted, and showing the files. Works on your event or inside PCBoard has a normal command, BUT ONLY on registered versions. Thank you to Mr. Reginald Hirsch from Ye Olde Bailey BBS - Haded another command to the Resume, to flag/view files one by one. - NOW WITHOUT DELAY'S 29-03-95 þ Initial Release of Version 1.00