New List V1.1 --------------- Written by Thomas De Quincy of Virtual Traders Why New List ? -------------- I wasn't planning on making this PPE until Dr. Shinto had some users asking for such a program. I first looked if there where any excisting PPE's that did the job. And there are, but the are all to slow. Most of them output the search for newfiles to the screen of the user and then they make the ZIP file. So many users find this a waste of time. So I don't output anything to the screen of the user nor to the sysop which makes it the fastest list creator there is! Try it and you'll see what I mean! I tried this on my BBS and on Carrier Of Belief and it works just fine. Although I must say that I didn't test it in a multi-node environment. Installation. ------------- Well this is pretty simple as usual. Just start PCBSETUP choose B (File Locations) and the again option B (Configuration Files) and then edit your CMD.LST as following. Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement -------------- -------- --------------------------------------- NEWLIST 0 C:\PCB\PPE\NEWLSTVT.PPE Then make sure you have a NEWLSTVT.CNF file with first the name of your BBS then the filename with path of the uncruched file. I suggest you use your work directory for PCB. The next line is the path were the zip-file has to be stored, here I suggest your upload directory don't add the \ ! And the last line is the filename of the zip-file. Look at the example CNF for more info. Make sure that PKZIP (TM) is in your path! Thats about it, so enjoy this nice PPE like I do. Greetings go to: Dr. Shinto, Speedy, ACCESS DENIED, NWA, MCC, OUTLAWS, T.P.L., SD/IA, TDT, HYPERNOVA, GLOBAL OVERDOSE, RAZOR, VSW, TUC, PWA, IMPHOBIA CASCADA, UCS, CYBERPUNKS, DAMNATION, PHUN.