Hi all! as u know, we always make a quick doc, but... this doc will take more then just "QUICK DOC", coz this is a complicated processor... well, anyway, lets start: 1. PPE's files: * DOA!.NFO - DOA's Information about the group and about the PPE. * FILE_ID.DIZ - File description * PROCESSO.DOC - This file * PROCESSO.CFG - Configuration file * OK.PPE - If the file will be "OK" this ppe will be loaded * ERROR.PPE - If the file will be "FAILED" this ppe will be loaded * PROCESS.PPE - This ppe will be loaded before the process. and meanwhile the user will see a nice terminate's ansi. 2. in your PCBTEST.BAT: If you are using only ZIP files then: after the "pkunzip -t %1 > pcbfail.txt" add "if exist pcbfail.txt goto change" then, add in the end (before the ":end") write: :CHANGE DEL PCBFAIL.TXT ECHO  >PCBFAIL.TXT IFERRORLEVEL == 1 GOTO END C:\PCB\BOOMLAB C:\PCB PCB %1 %3 %PCBDIR% (only if u r using BOOMLAB) GOTO END now, add after all the ":END" segement: ":THEEND" example: :END balblablablabla blablabla :THEEND 3. Now, Lets replace some things in the PCBTEXT * replace line 575 to !\PROCESS.PPE example: !C:\PCB\PPE\PROCESS.PPE * replace line 576 to !\OK.PPE example: !C:\PCB\PPE\OK.PPE * replace line 577 to !\ERROR.PPE example: !C:\PCB\PPE\ERROR.PPE 4. Now the easy part, edit the PROCESSO.CFG 5. Thats it!