UPGRADE DOC To upgrade from Cdsel_52.Zip to Cdsel_53.Zip follow the steps below: 1. Copy Cdsel53.ppe to you Cdsel directory and enter Cdsel53.ppe in all your cmd.lst that you have configured in Cdsel...You may also rename Cdsel53 to whatever ppe name your currenctly using to load and change Cdroms.. 2. Edit the file called "Security.cfg" to reflect the lowest security level allowed to access any cdroms, file bases, etc. that require a different security to access... An example might be: 60 (lowest security level allowed to access the adult cdroms and file bases....See Cdsel.doc for more info.... 3. Edit the Adult.cfg to include all the cdroms listed in cdsel.cfg file and any adult cdroms or conferences which require the minimun level indicated in the security.cfg file... Be Sure to use your security specific cdsel screens when using this option....@ cdsel60, cdsel70, cdsel80 , etc. If you do not use this option, enter the same numbers as listed in the Cdsel.cfg file.... Important.....Both the Security.cfg and Adult.cfg files MUST EXIST!!! 4. Cdsearch is no longer needed...You may Delete It... This has been replaced with the Adult.cfg file If upgrading from previous releases, follow the instructions in Cdsel.doc .... To upgrade from Cdsel_51.zip to Cdsel_52.zip follow the steps below: 1. Copy cdsel52.ppe to your Cdsel directory and enter Cdsel52.ppe in all your cmd.lst.....You may also rename it to what ever ppe name your currently using to load Cdsel and change Cdroms. If upgrading from previous releases follow the instructions in Cdsel.doc..... To upgrade from Cdsel_50.Zip to Cdsel51.Zip follow the steps below: 1. Rename all Dir.lst file to Dirs, dir60, dir110 etc.... in the Cdsel directory.....The .lst extention was not needed and prevented the program to read security specific dir file list... 2. Copy Cdsel51.ppe to your Cdsel Directory and enter cdsel51.ppe in all your cmd.lst....You may also rename it to what ever ppe name your currently using to load Cdsel and change Cdroms..... To upgrade from Cdsel_40.zip to Cdsel_50.Zip follow the steps below: 1. copy Cdsel5.ppe to your Cdsel Directory 2. Copy and edit The File Dir.lst included with this zip file to include the Cdrom File Lists you have available for download....Be sure to have all Cdrom File List in all the conference specific DLPaths... See Cdsel.Doc included in this release for more information.... 3. Change the file name that loads the ppe in your main board and conference specific cmd.lst to Cdsel5.ppe.... Note: If you have many cdrom conferences configured, it would be easiert to rename Cdsel5.ppe to Cdsel.ppe..... Eliminating the need to edit all your conference specific cmd.lst for all new releases .... If upgrading from previous releases, follow the proceedures for all upgrades below ending with the instructions above. Or follow instrucions in Cdsel.doc included with this release.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To upgrade from Cdsel_30.zip to Cdsel_40.zip follow the steps below: 1. Copy Cdsel4.ppe to your Cdsel Directory.... 2. Change the file name that loads Cdsel in your Cmd.lst(s) to Cdsel4.ppe 3. change the command in your conference Specific Cmd.lst(s) that reload Cdsel to Cdsel4.ppe 4. Delete the file called RELOAD.... Its no longer required..... Optional 5. Edit (if so desired), then Copy the Brdm, Brds menus to your cdrom conferences.... Edit Cdsel and Cdsel security specific files to reflect the cdroms used on your board, then copy to your Cdsel Dir. If at all possible, edit only the neccessary information, trying to keep the borders, macros, and any reference to the PPE name, version number, and Copyright Information intact.... This give the program uniformity and adds greatly to the overall appearance.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Upgrade from Cdsel_20.Zip or earlier, install Cdsel_40 as described in Cdsel.Doc included with this release....