[NOTES] hehaha, yup, i'm releasing under YET another group now..:) but i still want MORE affils..:) so E-MAil me, on a kewl board in 7i8.. or whatever.. if you have a request, or if i can code for your group... thats it... also, for 0 day .PPE's and assistance, call my board... if u want assistance login as "HELPME" password "HELPME" ALSO TOTAL CREDITS FOR "DOWN-X" GOTO BLAZE@!!!!!! FOR HIS KEWL ART! G IVE HiM A HAND!!! [INSTALL] Type Install.Bat, that will replace all the necessasry prompts, and put the .PPE in your CMD.LST in PCBSETUP... B, B, goto CMD.LST and press F2 i think i really don't want to bother to check tho..:) [PERSONAL GREETZ] Crimson Death, Zima Man, Tornado, Trinitron, Blaze, Tycoon, Bitter Vengence Crypt Keeper... and all other people i know, and forgot to mention..:) [GROUP GREETZ] 2000(of course:) TFG, GNX, PWA, SACRED, WiCKED.. and all the other kewl ELiTE groups that i don't know personally, but i feel inclined to greet..:) RAZOR 1911, TYRANNY, X-FORCE..:) [DICK-LAMER] You People are chicken shit, if u really want a disclaimer...:) all u kewl people live on the wild side with this, cause i'm not making any promises..:) hahaha, but seriously, any bugs or whatever, report it to me IMMEDIATLY! l8r