------------------------------------------------------------------ | | | | | | | Set_F10 Version 2.0 | | | | TSR F10 Key Handler | | | | For | | | | ChatBox - Split Screen Page\Chat Door | | | | | | Set_F10 (C) Copyright 1991-1992 Yandell Computer Services | | ChatBox (C) Copyright 1991-1992 Yandell Computer Services | | | | 12121 Little Road - Bldg. 303 - Suite 212 | | Hudson, FL 34667 | | | | DATA -- (813) 842-8099 (HST) | | | | March 27, 1992 | | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ----------------- ---- INTRODUCTION ------------ 1.0 What Is Set_F10 2 1.1 Disclaimer 2 INSTALLING Set_F10 ------------------ 2.0 Installing Set_F10 in BOARD.BAT 3 2.1 Installing if ChatBox Door Name is not PAGE 3 RUN-TIME CONSIDERATIONS ----------------------- 3.0 Using Set_F10 4 3.1 F10 Key Use With Other Programs 4 3.2 In Case of Difficulty 4 MISCELLANEOUS ------------- 4.0 DOS "errorlevel" Use in BOARD.BAT 5 4.1 Technical Notes 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 Set_F10 Page 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 What is Set_F10 -------------------- Use of Set_F10 is completely optional and is in no way required for the ChatBox door program to be fully functional. Set_F10 is a TSR which traps local F10 key presses and allows the Sysop to choose ChatBox or PCBoard to chat with a caller. This is an enhancement over the ChatBox documented method of defining SHIFT-F10 for the Sysop to initiate the PAGE command, then hitting a key while ChatBox loads. Allowing the Sysop to choose between the two chat facilities is needed, as the ChatBox facility is, after all, a 'door' and the caller must be at the PCBoard main prompt in order for the PAGE (door) command to be entered. The PCBoard chat facility needs to be used if chatting is required when the caller is not at the PCBoard main prompt. A good example for needing to use PCBoard's chat would be if a caller needed assistance while entering a message. Set_F10 works by popping up a window, where the Sysop chooses ChatBox or PCBoard. If ChatBox is chosen, PAGE is typed in at the PCBoard prompt along with the necessary steps required for ChatBox to know the Sysop is initiating the chat. If PCBoard is chosen, the F10 keystroke is processed normally and the PCBoard chat begins. Set_F10 may not be for everyone. If you do not wish to use Set_F10 or if Set_F10 does not work on your system, use the ChatBox documented method of defining the PCBoard SHIFT-F10 (key press) for initiating a caller chat with ChatBox, and F10 for a chat using PCBoard's chat. 1.1 Disclaimer --------------- Set_F10 is a no-charge enhancement utility for ChatBox. It is not part of the ChatBox product. It is included in the ChatBox distribution file solely to facilitate ease of distribution. There are no warranties, expressed or implied, for Set_F10. Sysops who install Set_F10 on their systems assume any and all liabilities for anything which may result as a consequence of running Set_F10. Under no circumstances shall Yandell Computer Services or the author of Set_F10 be liable for any loss of profit or any other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages, arising out of the use or inability to use Set_F10. PCBoard is a registered trademark of Clark Development Co. Inc. DESQview is a registered trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 3 Set_F10 Page 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 Installing Set_F10 in BOARD.BAT ------------------------------------ Place SET_F10.EXE in a path. In each node's BOARD.BAT place SET_F10 immediately BEFORE PCB145.EXE is called. Put SET_F10 /U immediately AFTER PCB145.EXE in BOARD.BAT so it will not be present outside of the PCBoard environment. (BOARD.BAT fragment) SET_F10.EXE PCB145.EXE SET_F10.EXE /U /U stands for Uninstall. You may add /S as a command line option to suppress installation and de-installation messages from appearing on the local screen. 2.1 Installing if ChatBox door name is not PAGE ------------------------------------------------ The recommended use for ChatBox is to call it a door named PAGE. Set_F10 allows other names to be used. Simply place /C:name after the first call to SET_F10.EXE in BOARD.BAT, where "name" is what the ChatBox door is called. For example: (BOARD.BAT fragment) SET_F10.EXE /C:TALK PCB145.EXE SET_F10.EXE /U The above example would be for an installation where ChatBox had been installed as a door called TALK. IMPORTANT: If the /S (suppress) and /C: parameters are used, /S must appear first on the command line. If you have called the ChatBox door PAGE, the /C:name parameter does not need to be used. TIP: Alternate names such as /C:SYSOP CHAT ON can be used. Simply duplicate the PAGE door batch file and call it SYSOP. Then duplicate the PAGE door entry in DOORS.LST, calling it SYSOP also. Then load Set_F10 with the /C:SYSOP CHAT ON command line. When ChatBox is selected, SYSOP CHAT ON will be entered at the PCBoard main prompt, PCBoard will load the SYSOP door (which is actually your PAGE door, and the CHAT ON portion of the command line will be ignored. Callers who try to be clever and type SYSOP CHAT ON themselves are doing exactly the same as if they enter the PAGE command! IMPORTANT: Alternate names are limited to 14 characters in length. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 Set_F10 Page 4 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 Using Set_F10 ------------------ When F10 is pressed by the local Sysop, a box appears at the top of the local screen (only). The Sysop may choose whether to use ChatBox or PCBoard for chatting with the caller. Pressing SPACE will toggle the highlighted selection between ChatBox or PCBoard. Pressing ENTER will begin the chat with the program which was highlighted. Pressing ESC aborts the F10 request. The caller must be at the PCBoard main command prompt if ChatBox is to be selected. Set_F10 will enter the PAGE (door) command and also take care of a couple of extra steps so that ChatBox will know the Sysop is initiating the chat (please see the technical notes on page number 4 of this document for more information). If PCBoard is selected, the F10 key press is passed on to PCBoard and PCBoard will begin a chat. 3.1 F10 key use with other programs ------------------------------------ If Set_F10 has been installed as prescribed in this documentation, it will be uninstalled every time PCBoard exits. This includes non- shell door exits and Sysop termination of PCBoard. This absolutely requires Set_F10 to be installed exactly as illustrated on page #2 section 2.0 of this manual. Set_F10 has the ability to detect when "shelled to" applications are running under PCBoard. "Shelled to" applications are doors which are shelled to (such as ChatBox), the File View function (such as PCBFV) and the TEST function (PCBTEST.BAT). When any of these conditions are detected, Set_F10 will pass F10 key strokes directly to the underlying application as normal F10's, without popping up the ChatBox\PCBoard selection window. 3.2 In case of difficulty -------------------------- Set_F10 has been thoroughly tested and worked 100% as expected at all beta test sites. However, TSR's are by their very nature very particular about the environments where they run. If Set_F10 does not function properly, make sure it is installed exactly as described in this documentation. If it still does not function properly, you will need to set the SHIFT-F10 key for initiating a caller chat as described in the Chatbox manual. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 Set_F10 Page 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 DOS "errorlevel" use in BOARD.BAT -------------------------------------- Set_F10 does not pass DOS "errorlevel" conditions through to the next process when Set_F10 /U is used. If you use DOS' "errorlevel" condition testing in BOARD.BAT, you should set a label for each condition and branch to the label if the "errorlevel" condition is met. You should uninstall (/U) Set_F10 at EACH label, rather than immediately after PCB145.EXE executes as described earlier in this documentation. 4.1 Technical notes -------------------- ChatBox must be loaded within 30 seconds after selecting "ChatBox" from the Set_F10 menu in order for ChatBox to start in "Sysop chat" mode. This 30 second feature is a safety net in the unlikely event a Sysop issues a ChatBox request and ChatBox fails to load, thereby leaving the "start in Sysop chat mode" instructions in memory. If a caller subsequently enters a PAGE request and "start in Sysop chat mode" instructions are still in memory (again, unlikely) the instructions will be ignored if they are more than 30 seconds old, and ChatBox will start in "caller page" mode. Set_F10 automatically "pops down" 10 seconds after it is popped up in case of an accidental (unnoticed) F10 key press. The contents of the screen which existed before the selection box "pops up" are re-drawn by Set_F10 when it "pops down". PCBoard does not act on F10 key presses in local mode. Therefore, when selecting PCBoard from the Set_F10 selection window in local mode, it will appear nothing happens. This is normal. There must be a caller on-line to initiate a PCBoard chat with F10. If ChatBox is selected while in local mode, Set_F10 will behave exactly as if a caller were on-line and start the ChatBox session. Set_F10's screen I/O is DESQview aware. Set_F10 uses about 9K of memory.