Fone-Ver - New in v1.7 Recompile. New Reg Codes Needed - See NEW-REG.NUM file. Fone-Ver - New in v1.6 Minor code tweaking. Fone-Ver - New in v1.5 Added line 20 to config file. This is the conference number to post the "user" messages to. Line 19 which was where to post ALL messages is now the conference to post the "SysOp messages" to. Added the use of a new file called SECURITY.LST. This file is for you to configure multiple security levels, and for each security level you can assign a new security level to upgrade to, new expired security level, expiration date, and conferences to register each security level in. For each security level you want to support callbacks for you will need to configure a line for that security level. You must not leave any info out though... Included is a sample SECURITY.LST and here's the format: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Security level allowed to make callbacks. ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ New security level to upgrade this caller to. ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ New expired security level for this level caller. ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Days from today to make the new expiration date. * ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄ>ÄÄÄ>ÄÄÄ Conference(s) to register an upgraded user in. 09 20 5 31 1 17 20 200 300 10 30 5 365 1 17 20 200 11 40 5 60 1 17 12 50 5 32768 1 17 In the above I want to... Line 1: Upgrade level 9 callers to level 20, exp level 5, exp date 31 days from now, and register them in confs 1, 17, 20, 200 and 300. Line 2: Upgrade level 10 callers to level 30, exp level 5, exp date 365 days from now, and register them in confs 1, 17, 20 and 200. Line 3: Upgrade level 11 callers to level 40, exp level 5, exp date 60 days from now, and register them in confs 1 and 17. Line 4: Upgrade level 12 callers to level 50, exp level 5, give a non-expiring date, and register them in confs 1 and 17. In line 4 above you'll notice a number of days of 32768, this is what will trigger FONE-VER to see this as a "non-expiring" date of 00-00-00. Lastly. you're limited to a total line length of 128 chars. Oh, another important fact, since we are putting the security level infor- mation in the SECURITY.LST file, 4 lines are no longer needed in the CFG file. So in FONE-VER.CFG delete the lines shown below: CLIFF WATKINS 516 9 ÄÄÄÄ¿ Min Sec Level 10 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Delete lines 3-6, they WERE Max Sec level 20 ³ New Sec level 31 ÄÄÄÄÙ Days Until Expiration Y So now line 3 will be the Y or N to write to the SysOps Comment Field. Last new feature, add one last line to the FONE-VER.CFG file. The last line (now line 19) will be the conference number you want all Fone-Ver messages placed in. By default it is 0 but now you can change it to any conference number you like! Fone-Ver - New in v1.4 Added the use of a new file called NOPREFIX.EXC. See FONE-VER doc for details. Most of you will not need this at all. Changed internal text string within FONE-VER to not use the @boardname@ macro since some of you use an extra long string in that field in the PCBOARD.DAT file. Instead it uses the "registered to" string from the FONE-VER.CNF file. Lastly, corrected a bug whereby it would not allow reverse calls to already validated numbers, even if the users name is in the REVERSE.LST file. Added the use of a new file called ONLY_AC.EXC which operates in an opposite manner than it's counterpart, the LOCAL_AC.EXC file. The already existing LOCAL_AC.EXC file would allow you to define which local exchanges would need to have the local area code appended before dialing. For some that would mean a list 300 exchanges or more. But for others it would mean a handful of local exchanges. For those where it would be a list 300 or more, use this new ONLY_AC.EXC file since if it exists it will be used instead of the LOCAL_AC.EXC. This file is a list of local exchanges that you do NOT need to have the local area code appended before dialing. For some, this is a much shorter list... See the FONE-VER.DOC file for specific details on this file. Also, cleaned up re-dial attempts so the screen is properly updated. Lastly, added a routine to take the phone off the hook during the pre- dial delay. This will help avoid "incoming call collisions". Fixed some bugs where SysOp messages were not being sent. Also, fixed a few bugs where if initial list files were not present errors would occur. Lastly, added SysOp configurable text files sent as message when: 1) To USER when callback was NOT Successful 2) To SYSOP when callback was NOT Successful 3) To USER when callback was Successful 4) To SYSOP when callback was Successful The contents of these files (if they exist) are appended to the current messages already sent by Fone-Ver, not in place of. See docs with the section for DISPLAYS.LST as that is where these files are defined. Fixed a bug where if LD was not allowed, some local numbers could not also be dialed. Thanks Joe Siegler! A problem with the prefix string not being displayed under "some" circumstances was brought to my attention. This would occur when used with the LOCAL_AC.EXC feature. Let me know if this fixes it? Thanks Jeff Frazer!