CALLERID V 1 . 0 ---------------- This .PPE checks the secrity level of a user and if within the specified range, checks the Caller ID info for the phone number. If a number is found, then it writes it to the file specified. Usage: !CallerID.PPE SecLow;SecHigh;IDType;CIDFile;PrivateFile;OutsideFile;NoMatchFile Where: SecLow is the lowest level to display the file to SecHigh is the highest level to display the file to IDType is the type of Caller ID info or Position of the PhoneNumber+11 Predefined formats are 1-10 1 = Supra - scan for "NMBR = " 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 CIDFile is the caller ID file to create PrivateFile is the file to be displayed if the ID indicates Private OutsideFile is the file to be displayed if the ID indicates Outside Area NoMatchFile is the file to be displayed if the ID does not match Users Record CIDFile, PrivateFile, OutsideFile and NoMatchFile are optional and any or all (but that would make this PPE pretty useless) can be skipped. !CallerID.PPE 10;80;1;CALLERID;C:\PCB\GEN\IDPRIV;; !CallerID.PPE 0;255;1;CALLERID;;;C:\PCB\GEN\NOTHVBD The above examples assume you are placing this PPE file in the PCBOARD.DAT directory for each node. Since that is not the best way to do things, make sure you specify the full path (unless a default is added to PCBSetup in the future). ie. !C:\PCB\PPE\CallerID.PPE 10;80;1;CALLERID;C:\PCB\GEN\IDPRIV;; I was using this PPE in my level 10 (New User who registers) and level 15 (User who has gone thru INSTAREG door but not been through PCBVerify Door yet) files. The origional purpose was to get the CALLERID file created so that PCBVerify would be able to use it to skip the actual callback and verify the User quickly. I changed this to my ALL file which gets displayed to everyone when I added the PrivateFile Feature to announce to Users who had CallerID blocked that such calls would no longer be allowed (I haven't decided if I will go this route yet or not, I would like to use a TPA to allow certain Users to block the ID, and don't want to setup security levels to control this, but I added this to the PPE with this in mind). I have attempted to strip extra characters [like -()+ and extra spaces] out of the Phone Numbers read from the Users Record before matching them but If you are aware of other characters that show up, let me know. I try to match only the portion that is in the User Record, so if the User Record contains no area code, it should still match the Caller ID string which will have an area code. If you try to use this feature and it reports the Caller ID number does not match either User Record Phone number when it should match, let me know what all the numbers contain. I added this feature even though I don't plan to use it myself. I need more information on other Modems that support Caller ID to add support for them directly. Also, I need more information on the data returned in different areas of the country in case it is different (even with the same brand of modem) than in my area. You can use this PPE in any display file and it was written to allow you to tailor it's use with the command line arguments so modification and recompiling the source code should not be needed, but it is included here for study by those who want to write their own or those who desire to add some other feature. Gary Meeker: SYSOP: SHARP Technical Support Line BBS (404) 962-1788