Post Call Ratio Enforcer v2.0 by ViGilante on 11/16/93 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I saw some very lame PCR checkers out there, everything from taking a certain amount of users time away at logon to nagging them to death every time the main prompt was displayed. THIS one works the way it should, it totally bars downloading until they comply with the PCR percentage you have defined for their security level. Installation.... Dump all the files in this archive somewhere (as long as they stay (together). Edit your cmd.lst file and add two entries "D" and "DB" that point to this PPE. That takes care of downloading from the main prompt, but what about while they are listing files? I thought I was in for a big job until I realized that it was already written, in FLAG.PPE and FLAG2.PPE. What you want to do is just disable the D command (I tried to 'call' my PPE from there but gave up) by adding 4 lines to both of the FLAG ppe's (thanks for including the source Dave ). I have included my already 'enhanced' (along with a color improvement) versions, or you can follow these simple directions and edit your own. BTW if you don't already have FLAG installed, WHY NOT?? FLAG version 2.1: Starting on line 237 of FLAG.PPS and line 226 of FLAG2.PPS you will see these statements..... IF (UPPER(LEFT(text,1)) = "V") THEN SAVESCRN ENDIF KBDSTUFF text END .....add the following lines where it says ..... IF (UPPER(LEFT(text,1)) = "D") THEN PRINTLN "@X0CFlag files, but you must go to the main command prompt to dl." MORE text=CHR(13) ENDIF both pps files, compile them, and you are set. Oh yeah, the pcr.cnf file. Make sure it is in the same dir as PCR.PPE. The format is simple, line 1 is a security level, line 2 is the PCR required for that level, repeat as necessary. You can exempt a certain level by giving it a PCR of 0, or by simply not including it in the file at all. By PCR i mean the minimum amount of posts per 100 calls needed to be able to download. ERGO.. if you put down 50, they have a 50% PCR, must post 50 times per 100 calls, 10 times per 20 calls, and have a 1:2 (posts:calls) ratio. Sorry but some people just don't have a clue. I just added another function, two ways to make a specific user exempt. You can either put a file called EXEMPT.PCR in the same dir as this PPE containing names you would like to be exempt from the PCR check, or put the word "exempt" in the Comment1 field of the user record. I guess you could also do both for sheer excitement. If you have any questions, comments, found bugs, whatever, you can find me lurking on: The DweLLinG @ 1-516-244-9686 or 1-516-244-8602, 16.8k Duals Demons Abyss @ 1-516-293-7313 or 1-516-752-9820, 14.4k v.32bis's The P.I.T.S. @ Find it. Prodigy @ BWVR36C PRiMAL Net BLiTZ Net CCi Net History ~~~~~~~ þ v1.0 10/28/93: Initial Release þ v1.1 10/29/93: For some reason when I was testing this I was having problems passing the command line back, and developed that whole crazy routine to tokenize it and then paste it all back together when it apparantly was not necessary. Anyway, this version should be faster if anything else. þ v2.0 11/16/93: Maintenance release.