Other DJP ppe's: ---------------- DJ-USR11.zip (version 1.1, PWA) User Lister. The most configurable user lister around. Specify just about any of the vital statistics about a user (name, note, last called, areacode, # ul's, # dl's, etc.), pick the display color, and also choose the positioning. Major speed improvement over v1.0! DJ-MR10.zip (version 1.0, PWA) Menu Rotator. Display files/menus randomly to users and according to their user level! DJ-CPC10.ZIP (version 1.0, UFT) Command Password Checker. Put a password on any command! Allows exemption levels for those special users. DJ-SLR10.ZIP (version 1.0, UFT) Security Level Raiser. Allows a user to raise their security level according to a specific password. An unlimited number of different passwords and levels can be specified. DJ-MAT02.ZIP (version 0.2, internal use only) Litebar matrix. Random matrix screens, random logon screens, random welcome screens... blah blah blah