DEF System Stats v0.2 Written by Drew [PWA] Last updated 7-30-94 QUICK INTRO: This is a prerelease (beta) of what I hope to be a fairly useful utility for PCBoard sysops. I am releasing this in order to get more feedback of what people would like to see in this thing. So, "What does it do?", you ask. Simply put, it scans your caller log(s), accumulates a whole bunch of statistics, and creates a bulletin with all the information. INSTALLATION: Since this is a regular executable and not a PPE, you will want to run this typically as a nightly event or in your $$LOGOFF.BAT batch file. This program will create a file called "REPORT.DAT". This is your bulletin in which you can display in your usual places in PCBoard. Go wild. Just run "sysstat", without any arguments, and let it do it's thing. CONFIGURATION: Not too many configuration options right now. Here is what the config file looks like: numnodes 4 callerlogpath c:\pcb\main\caller excludelocalcalls true excludelocalxfers false excludelocalmsgs false numdaystoprint 7 showtotals true showaverages true You don't have to worry about which order the lines appear, just as long as the keyword on the left stays on the left and its associated value stays to the right of the keyword. A quick note about the "callerlogpath". The value up above is the default location for a single node system. If you are running multiple nodes, pcboard will normally append the node number to the end of that full path name (ie: C:\PCB\MAIN\CALLER2 for the caller log of node 2). When specifying the full path name, leave OFF the node number. This program will automatically figure it out for you. Otherwise, what you see is what you get (for now). LIMITATIONS: Only a maximum of 60 days are kept track off. This is the first 60 dates that it sees from your log files. So if you have log files extending over that, anything after 60 days will not be read. COMMENTS: I know this isn't one of those PPE's or utilities for PCBoard that sysops and users alike will get to see and say "ooh ahh" to, but I think it's a fairly useful utility to have. So if you think so as well, please leave me a note and let me know all your suggestions/complaints. You can reach me in the following ways (in order of speed): 1. Internet email: 2. My board: The Silicon Phalanx, 510-795-0200/0400, 28.8 v.fc 3. Through Attitute Net. I am looking for boards to beta test this utility on. If you are interested, let me know and: 1. send me a sample of your caller log(s), as that would help in determining if your particular setup would be good for testing on. 2. give me a detailed description of your PCBoard setup (operating system, operating system version, number of nodes, computer, network setup, memory, disk cache used and how much allocated, etc.). Peace, --Drew