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A: OK...OK...Here it is in a nutshell. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: create a directory somewhere on your hard drive, in example: MD C:\PCB\PPE\VOTE 2: Unzip your copy of voter++ into this directory you just created, IE: PKUNZIP VOTER40U.ZIP C:\PCB\PPE\VOTE 3: Edit the VOTE.CFG file to reflect the info that needs to be changed, a full description is after these instructions, as well as being in the CFG file itself. 4: Load up PCBSETUP and place Voter++ into your CMD.LST. This is done by typing PCBSETUP, then hit "B" for "File Locations", then hitting another "B" for "Configuration Files", then using your cursor key to go down 8 selections until you get to "Name/Loc of Default CMD.LST File :" Here you either have a CMD.LST file, list if not, type in CMD.LST, then hit F2 to get you into the CMD.LST editor, this will look like this: File Locations Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1) VOTE 0 C:\PCB\PPE\VOTE\VOTE.PPE Enter the required info so it looks like the above, and hit ESC to get out of their, make sure you answer Y to save it. 5: Now change to the Voter++ directory, and unzip the file called QUESTION.ZIP once you do then you will have to edit the Sample QUE files for your own questions and answers, (although these are some good questions and should be good enough for your users to get the taste of voting!)Please note that your Questions should remain under 71 characters in length, while the answer lines should be under 65 characters each. 6: You have two choices for this one, I would recommend taking a look at both options (they are both a snap to try out). These choices are as follows: (a)If you want to let your users know the booths they haven't voted on yet, just put a call (like !c:\pcb\ppe\vote\newbooth.ppe) into your security specific files for the users you want to notify. it will read in the VOTE.CFG file and take it from there, no muss - no fuss! Zero Maintenance. (b) *the new method* In your security specific file, place a call to the actual VOTER++ ppe, like this !C:\PCB\PPE\VOTE\VOTE.PPE BLT Note the BLT on the end, that is our command line to tell Voter++ to skip running the door and to just display a nice graphic screen to your user, this screen will let them know how many questions are available and how many they have voted on, it is very fast, and very unobtrusive. give it a try! 7. If you want a Full Color Bulletin for your users, you will need to go in to pcbsetup and designate the bulletin you want to give to Voter++, then place the path and name of the bulletin into your VOTE.CFG line 7. Can't get any easier than this! 7: Go give it a try! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What are all those different files for? Ok here is a listing of the files that came with Voter++, they are: SYS_HELP.DSP - A help file for the sysop functions in the Secret Sysop Menu. HELP.DSP - A help file for your users, short and sweet, but tells it all. VOTE.CFG - Your Voter++ Config file, a full description after this. VOTE.PPE - This is the program file, lovinglny crafted by Bill Marcy. VOTE.PRM - Sysop modifiable prompts (see Prompt Section). NEWBOOTH.PPE - To let your users know what they haven't yet voted on. VOTEGRAF.PPE - Bulletin Generator that is called by Voter++. Setup and forget! SECURITY.LST - A security list file for disallowing booth creation. QUESTION.ZIP - This is a zip with all of the sample question in it! VOTE1.QUE \ VOTE2.QUE \ VOTE3.QUE - these (along with unlimited number) are your question files. VOTE4.QUE / VOTE5.QUE / In addition to these files, Voter++ will automatically build a few more files these are VOTE.ANS, which are the vote files, these are read by Voter++ to get the totals for the vote. there is also a VOTE.NAM file, which is basically a log of who voted, when they voted, and how they voted, this is used by VOTER++ to DIS-allow a user from voting on the same question twice, so, if you change a question manually, make sure you delete the corresponding VOTEX.NAM file! The config file looks like this: 26 ;The total number of Questions you will have Joe Sysop ;Sysops full name Your BBS Name Here ;BBS Name 0000001 ;Registration Number YES ;Allow your users to create new booths 1 ;Counter for the total number of users voting C:\PCB\GEN\BULL\BLT10 ;The bulletin you want created by VOTEGRAF Line by line, it goes like this: Line 1 - this is the total number of voting booths you plan on having, there is a no limit to booths, more can be added if you really need it, but I couldn't come up with enough ideas for more than 26 sample booths, so that was the number I used. Make sure that you change this number to reflect the total number of voting questions you plan on having. Line 2 - This is the sysops Full Name, if you haven't gotten a registration number from me, It really doesn't matter what you put in here, but if you have gotten a reg number, make sure it is exactly the same as the name you gave for the reg number, including case. Line 3 - Your BBS name, this will be displayed once you have registered, if you haven't registered, it is unimportant. Line 4 - This is your unique registration number, you can see the end of these docs on how to get this immediately. It is easy and quick, and it removes the (only slightly) annoying delay at the beggining of the program load. Line 5 - If you have YES in config line 5, Voter++ will present an additional menu choice to your users (it will place it in the Secret Hidden Sysop Menu choice for us sysops), which will allow them to create a new booth. I don't think any of us want them to be able to delete a booth, or to edit an exisitng booth, but where is the harm in allowing them to build a new one. But, if you are against that Idea, just place a NO in there and no option will be shown to them, they won't even know what they are missing. Line 6 - This is the counter that gets incremented everytime a voter enters the Voter++ door, it is all automatic, so no need to worry about it. Line 7 - This is the full path and name of the bulletin that you want VOTEGRAF PPE to create. Every time your voting users exit Voter++, the Votegraf.PPE will regenerate the bulletin you specify, keeping your users up-to-the-minute aware of what the popular consensus is! This is a set up and forget feature, as you only have to give the bulletin name and path once. Enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOTE.PRM and what is it for? The VOTE.PRM file is a file of all sysop modifiable prompts, feel free to change them to reflect the language that your country speaks, but please make sure that the prompt is the same lenght (or shorter) as some of these prompts are shoe-horned in as it is. In most cases you can go over the original prompt length by 3 maybe 4 characters, but over that and they will ruin your display. You can edit the VOTE.PRM file with any ascii editor, but I recomend using PCBEDIT by Clark Development as it allows you to modify color at the same time (and really is the best editor to use when working with anything relating to PCB). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to contact the author, and how to get a Reg number: You can reach me VIA RIME (SysOp conf, but I pick them all up) or you can call my bbs at: (518)-383-0321 USR DS 28.8K We have a key generator up for people to use. Just type: KEY to generate your own reg number. Or you can generate a UNIVERSAL KEY that will unlock all of the registered features of all GO/4 Shareware by typing UNI form the main menu. Please feel free to leave comments with anything that you want to see added to Voter++. We have many plans for this program and rest easy, your reg number will be good for all versions. How much does this thing cost anyway? Registration: Voter++ took me about a year and a half to get where it is now, I am hoping that you find it easy to setup, convenient for your users to use and worth the $20.00 I am asking for it. If not, well, what can I say? You will have to remove it from your system after you decide you do not want to pay for it, which would really disappoint me, as I am really looking forward to seeing your $20.00 check in my mailbox. Please remit payment to: GO/4 Software 123-D Eastwood Drive Clifton Park, NY, 12065 Make all check payable to: Bill Marcy Checks and money orders are welcome. None of you are going to send me a bad check, so I trust you.