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Unzip the full USEPROXX.ZIP file into this newly created Sub direcetory. 3. Load up PCBSETUP, hit a B (FILE LOCATIONS) then hit another B (FILE LOCATIONS | CONFIGURATION FILES) then cursor down to (NAME/LOC OF DEFAULT CMD.LST FILE) here you will hit an F2 and you will be presented with a fill in the blank area, the first question will be the PPE name, here you can name it anything you want, I called mine PROFILE, then you over to the security field, enter the lowest security that you want to access this pretty fantastic PPE, then over to the path section, here you will enter the path and filename of the profile.ppe, for example, C:\PCB\PPE\PROFILE\PROFILE.PPE If you would like to disallow alias usage on the PROFILE command line place a NO like this C:\PCB\PPE\PROFILE\PROFILE.PPE NO Simple and quick. Hit , it will ask if you want to save the CMD.LST, and of course you do, so go ahead and say Y, then out a couple more times. 4. Unzip the desired question set, either the ADULT.ZIP file (raunchy and sure to offend some users) or the more tame GENERAL.ZIP (suitable for the whole family). You can have either set you want, and if you want to run both, just make a new directory and do a second install. Quick and Simple! 5. Logon on to the BBS, and give User Profiler a run, see how fast and easy it is to get around in, and once a few people get into it see just how much fun it generates! 6 . Send in your registration check. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Whats this STUD.PPE do anyway? STUD.PPE is a sysop tool to allow you to delete a user from the PROFILE.DAT file. A user could decide that they *need* to change their answers, or you may decide that a user needs to be removed (for your own reasons), just type an S from the main menu, and you will load up STUD. Here you have to enter the name of the user that you want to delete, once STUD finds the name, you will be presented with a short user summary, and then asked if you want to delete the user. If you answer no, you will be returned to User Profiler, if you answer yes, that user will be deleted and the PROFILE.DAT will be packed to remove that specified user, quick, clean and simple. If you decide that you really screwed up, and need to retrieve that user, no problem! Go to the USER PROFILER subdir that you created, and find teh file called PROFILE.OLD once you find that file, delete your PROFILE.DAT, and rename PROFILE.OLD to PROFILE.DAT, again quick and simple. Enjoy! STUD is now also used for Adding a picture file to a user profile. (see the heading PICTURES below). STUD can now edit all user basic info (Age, height, weight, sex...etc), just give it the users name, and choose form the easy to use menu the parameter you want to change. Quick and Simple! STUD can now send "bulk mail" to your users, by editing the file called WHY.NOT (or leaving it as is, except for a quick name change), you can remind your users to complete those questions! Quick and simple, just let it know what conference you want to send the messages in, then stand back and watch it work. STUD can now alphabitize your PROFILE.DAT (this is really handy for those boards where the sysop may have a few aliases to spice things up, and you would not want your users to catch on). Note that when you select O from the STUD main menu, (for alphatibize) that a BACKUP file will be created of your PROFILE.DAT, which will be called PROFILE.ALP, if you have *any* problems it is a simple matter to rename the PROFILE.ALP to PROFILE.DAT. When the alphabitizing is run it will attempt to use the Temp path for that node, so make sure that you have temp paths setup! Note: This alphabitizing is a simple sort on only the first letter of the last name. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pictures? My users can see each other? Sure can, and it is very simple too! A few steps will get you set up so that your user can download those pictures quickly and painlessly. (we are assuming that you are running this from your MAIN board conf area, if you are running User Profiler from a seperate conference, please note section 2 below) 1. Load up PCBSETUP. 2. Choose MAIN BOARD CONFIGURATION (unless you are installing this program from a seperate conference, then choose that Conference under CONFERENCES) 3. TAB down to where your DLPATH is stored (on the very last field on any PCBSETUP screen) and hit an F2. 4. Now you just have to type an ALT-I (for insert a line) and type the full path to your PIXS subdirectory, to keep things simple we made it right under your profiler sub directory, so you would type something that looks like this: C:\PCB\PPE\PROFILE\PIXS\ 5. Now hit an and make sure that you save it. 6. All set with that part. Now you will have to wait until your users start sending you pictures of themselves, you might be able to make a few bucks by offering a scanning service. Once you get some pictures, place them in the C:\PCB\PPE\PROFILE\PIXS sub directory. Then you load up User Profiler, and choose S for the Sysop Tool, while in the Sysop tool, choose (A) add a picture file to a user record. Then you wil lbe prompted with the user name you want to attach this picture file to, and once STUD finds the user name you will be prompted for a *full* name of the picture file (no path neccessary), so for example if you have a picture called BILLMARC.GIF you would type that all in. (what I am tring to say is type in the name and extension of the picture). After you do this, you will see that that user now has a picture ready for other users to download. Quick and simple actually. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I heard that there is a neat News screen that I can get also...how? Simple, you will need to set a call in your security specific file like this !C:\PCB\PPE\PROFILE\PROFILE.PPE BLT (a security specific file is a file named the same as a security level that you want to display things to, so if you have a security level of 30, then just create a file called 30, with the following line in it). Note the BLT on the end, that BLT will tell the program to skip running the main program and just display a small screen to your users, this screen will show how many people are in the profile database, and breaks it down into how many males and how many females. Sure does do a good job of letting people know that the Profile door is there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Needed / Included with this ZIP: PROFILE.PPE - This is the main program, it will perform all the neccessary matching functions, etc. PROFILE.DAT - Bet you don't see this one yet, it will be created and maintained automatically for you, this is a hands off program so you don't really have to worry about it. MATCH-1.HLP - The first help screen for the matching section. MATCH-2.HLP - The second help screen for the match area (I could have kept these internal to the program, but I know someone some time is going to call me up asking to externalize it, so we did it form the beggining). PROFILE1.HLP - The main help screen for the general section of the profile program, basic instructions. PROFILE2.HLP - A secondary help screen that will explain a few of the more exotic usages of the Profile door. STUD.PPE - The Sysop Tool for User Deletion & Editing. WHY.NOT - A canned message you can change that gets sent to users that fail to complete the entire question set. You access this function through STUD.PPE (The S command on the main menu). ADULT.ZIP \ Question sets ready for your use, just decide which one you GENERAL.ZIP / want to use and unzip it into your PROFILER directory. *.QUE - These are the sample question set, they are pretty good as far as general questions go, feel free to delete or edit these or create your own. (more on the QUE file naming convention a little later). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ QUE File Naming Convetion: Told you we would get to it...Each one of those QUE files contains a set file structure, it is simple to understand if we look at one, so here it is: 1 (total question lines) 3 (total answer lines) How long have you resided in your community (actual question line) New comer (actaul answer 1) 1-2 years (actual answer 2) 3-5 years (actual answer 3) So we see above the first line is just the number of question lines that there are, in this case it is one, if there were 2 lines to the question, then you would have a 2 in here, the second line is the total number of answers, each answer can be a total of one line, in this example we have 3 answers so we have a 3 on line 2. (simple...no?) then we have the actual question line, then the following answer lines. Please name you files in this way: 1.QUE, 2.QUE, 3.QUE...etc. Do not have blank spaces between numbers such as 1.QUE 3.QUE, the program keeps track of the number of questiopns by counting them, so if you get out of sequence, some of your questions will not be taken advantage of (and that truley would be a shame). Any questions? Call the support BBS (number at end of DOC). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How can I pay for this fantastic program (it does just what I want!) Ok, there are several ways to get your registration number for this program the first and fastest way is to call up one of the support board. Once on-line, join the support conference forGO/4 Software, it will be prominently marked in the conference menu, on Survival Tech BBS it is Conf 2. While in the support conf, type KEY this will enter in to our on-line order program, it will ask for the usual name and address info, it will then ask which program you want to register, choose PROFILER. You will then have an invoice, and a key file generated for you, download both, install the key file into your Profiler directory, and write us a check. Whats this? Get the KEY file, then write you a check? Isn't that backwards? Well, for most software companies it is, but we have been working on the honor system for about a 3 years now and the response has been great, it really restores our faith in human beings when we see people sending in checks *after* they get their KEY files. We do have some people who steal from us, but they usually find out that that does not pay. When you are generating your own KEY files, please notice that we have many exciting products for PCB, and those products were made possible by all of you sending in those checks. A good thing to keep in mind! (My baby girl and boy appreciates it as that is how we get our food & diaper money). Note: The unregistered version will have a .5 second delay per user! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I get in touch with GO/4 Software? You can register User Profiler by calling with your modem (anytime) to: GO/4 Software Support / Registration Survival Tech BBS (518)-383-0321 Or you can fill out a check, fill out the enclosed ORDER.FRM, and mail both to: Bill Marcy 123-D Eastwood Drive Clifton Park, NY, 12065 We will mail you out your key file the same day we recieve your check (it is a lot faster to call up and get the KEY file yourself, but hey, it's up to you) Please, Make all checks payable to Bill Marcy, and only U.S. Funds please. Thanks for using our software!