------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Suggestion Box (c)95 GO/4 Software ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description: We all have those users, users who have bright ideas. They leave us tons of messages, suggesting we change this, or enhance that. This program will allow the sysop to offload the decision's on the users (a great cop out BTW). Let the users add the suggestions, then they can vote for or against them. The sysop can attach note files to each suggestion, explaining just why that idea is not as great as it sounds. Setup is nil, maintenance is as little as the sysop wants to give it, but if truth be told, it makes your job as sysop much easier. Requirements: You need to have PCB 15.2, this PPE is compiled with the PPLC 3.0 compiler, no versions will be released with 2.00...sorry, we are getting a bit tired of seeing our PPE's with pirated source code floating around on BBS's, sort of makes writing quality PPE's a losing scenario. This PPE uses about 30K while running, but as with all PPE's it releases the memory once it is exited. Installation: 4 easy steps! (1) Create a unique directory to store the SUGGEST files, and unzip all of the files into it. (a) if you don't want a certain security level(s) to use this door, add that security level into the file called SUGGEST.SEC one security level per line...as many as you like. (2) Add a call to the SUGGEST.PPE into your CMD.LST file (a) If you want to bypass the opening help screens on each entry then place a parameter on the CMD.LST line called QWIK. It will look like this: C:\PCB\PPE\SUGGEST\SUGGEST.PPE QUIK (3) Let your users know they now have a voice in the operation and running of your BBS (tell them to help with the phone bills to!). (4) Call up and register your copy of SUGGEST.PPE, it removes all of the annoying beg screens, allows more than 5 suggestions to be added, and lets me feed my baby girl and boy (yes, shareware pays for their food and diapers...and they does like to eat!) Usage: It is a simple program to operate, all functions are available on the menu menu bar. Users can (V)ote on a suggestion, (A)dd their own Suggestion read the (N)otes or (T)oggle the votes display. Whiel a second menu is displayed to you, the sysop, and it is not visible ever to non-sysops. This menu adds the ability to (D)elete a suggestion, and to (E)dit the notes. Deleteing a suggestion will remove it from the voting list, and editing a note will allow you to either delete an existing note or editing a new note. Very simple, but the uses you find for this program are amazing. SUGGEST will only allow one user in the Suggest door at a time, there is alot of dynamic sorting going on so that the user can see up to date info and as such, multi users would have the ability to destroy data. While a user is in SUGGEST, the door informs anyone trying to enter that it is in use and keeps their node on file, once the SUGGEST door becomes free, it automatically notifies all waiting parties that the door is available. (It is alot of fun wathing people scramble to get the door next . SUGGEST is running on 12 large BBS's right now, and they are getting a phenomenal response to it. Seems people really like to have some hand in how "their" BBS runs. Give it to them, and watch the results! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How can I pay for this fantastic program (it does just what I want!) Ok, there are several ways to get your registration number for this program the first and fastest way is to call up one of the support board. Once on-line, join the support conference for GO/4 Software, it will be prominently marked in the conference menu, on Survival Tech BBS it is Conf 2. While in the support conf, type KEY this will enter in to our on-line order program, it will ask for the usual name and address info, it will then ask which program you want to register, choose SUGGEST. You will then have an invoice, and a key file generated for you, download both, install the key file into your SUGGEST directory, and write us a check. Whats this? Get the KEY file, then write you a check? Isn't that backwards? Well, for most software companies it is, but we have been working on the honor system for about a 3 years now, and the response has been great, it really restores our faith in human beings when we see people sending in checks *after* they get their KEY files. We do have some people who steal from us, but they usually find out that that does not pay. When you are generating your own KEY files, please notice that we have many exciting products for PCB, and those products were made possible by all of you sending in those checks. A good thing to keep in mind! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How do I get in touch with GO/4 Software? You can register User Profiler by calling with your modem (anytime) to: GO/4 Software Support / Registration Survival Tech BBS (518)-383-0321 (USR DS 28.8K) Or you can fill out a check, fill out the enclosed ORDER.FRM, and mail both to: Bill Marcy 123 Eastwood Drive Clifton Park, NY, 12065 We will mail you out your key file the same day we recieve your check (it is a lot faster to call up and get the KEY file yourself, but hey, it's up to you) Please, Make all checks payable to Bill Marcy, and only U.S. Funds please. Thanks for using our software!