ננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננ REG_U v1.0 NEW USER/MEMBER QUESTIONEER PPE (c)1995 Cyberspace Entertainment ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננננ REG_U is a questioneer that can be used in any area you wish. It can be used as a new user registration program or questioneer to see if a member meets certain criteria to "extended" access or a greater security level. This is an easy program to install. Either load it as a command option in the cmd.lst or put it at the top or bottom of a menu (as in the new user registra- tion option). This program is NOT crippled in ANY mannor other the the DEMO VESION registered to label instead of your BBS name. ALL Options work in this PPE. Registration is only $5.00 and can be obtained through : Ric Worstell c/o ALTERED EGO BBS 3312 Hwy 50 E #18 Carson City, Nv 89701 Thank You Ric