Silent Auction v1.04u - Copyright 1995, GO/4 Software. All Rights Reserved. Programmed by Bill Marcy and Roy Wilson ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ System Requirements: You need to have a minimum configuration, namely you have to be running PCBoard 15.1(x). We are compiling Auction with the latest PPLC compiler so you will need to make sure that you have the latest PCBoard code up and running. Since Auction is a PPE, it is an extension to PCBoard. If PCBoard runs, Auction will run. Memory usage is very light, it takes about 65k to run and we open anywhere from 1 to 15 files, none at the same time. Auction is fully multi-node aware so there are no problems running multiple copies of Auction at the same time. Auction runs fine over Novell (3.11, 3.12, 4.00, 4.01), Lantastic (5.0) and Vines. Auction also runs fine under DESQview and OS/2 (sorry Windows people, I haven't tested it under Windows, you are on your own). Basically if PCBoard runs, Silent Auction will run! Ok, Sysop, just 3 easy steps to get you up and running in about a minute and a half (Including the time it takes to grab a Coke from the frig and to kick your feet up on the desk!) 1. - create a Auction sub directory on your hard drive, it will look like this: C:\PCB\PPE\AUCTION (Note: The path above is only an example, you can install it anywhere you want) 2. - Unzip the AUCT104U.ZIP file into this sub directory. 3. - Load up PCBSETUP, and locate the CMD.LST file you would like to install the Auction command into. (Usually the main board, so you would type a B and then another B, then you would cursor down to where you see the CMD.LST entry, they you will hit an F2 to edit your CMD.LST file). CMD.LST Editor Charges per PPE/MNU File Specification -or- Command Sec Minute Use Keystroke Substitution ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1) 0 0 0 Just add the following info and you're almost done! CMD.LST Editor Charges per PPE/MNU File Specification -or- Command Sec Minute Use Keystroke Substitution ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ 1) AUCTION 0 0 0 C:\PCB\PPE\AUCTION\AUCTION.PPE (Use the drive and dir you put the program in!) As you can see this is simple. Once you have this entered, hit ESC and answer Y to save the new CMD.LST file. You have just finished installing Auction, now lets configure it! The only configuration neccessary is that you can create up to 4 text files for display to your users, We have seen sysops put complete descriptions of what can be sold, charges for using the Auction door, and help screens up. It is up to you, if the files SCREEN1.DSP, SCREEN2.DSP, SCREEN3.DSP or SCREEN4.DSP they will be displayed to the user on each entry. You can have one, two or none, if they are there, they get displayed, Easy? You Bet! Jump into the door and give it a whirl. We are positive that you will love it, all of our user do! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ How can I pay for this fantastic program (it does just what I want!) Ok, there are several ways to get your registration number for this program the first and fastest way is to call up one of the support board. Once on-line, join the support conference for GO/4 Software, it will be prominently marked in the conference menu, on Survival Tech BBS it is Conf 2. While in the support conf, type KEY this will enter in to our on-line order program, it will ask for the usual name and address info, it will then ask which program you want to register, choose AUCTION. You will then have an invoice, and a key file generated for you, download both, install the key file into your AUCTION directory, and write us a check. Whats this? Get the KEY file, then write you a check? Isn't that backwards? Well, for most software companies it is, but we have been working on the honor system for about a 3 years now and the response has been great, it really restores our faith in human beings when we see people sending in checks *after* they get their KEY files. We do have some people who steal from us, but they usually find out that that does not pay. When you are generating your own KEY files, please notice that we have many exciting products for PCB, and those products were made possible by all of you sending in those checks. A good thing to keep in mind! (My baby girl and boy appreciates it as that is how we get our food & diaper money). ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ How do I get in touch with GO/4 Software? You can register AUCTION by calling with your modem (anytime) to: GO/4 Software Support / Registration Survival Tech BBS (518)-383-0321 (USR DS 28.8K) Or you can fill out a check, fill out the enclosed ORDER.FRM, and mail both to: Bill Marcy 123-D Eastwood Drive Clifton Park, NY, 12065 The cost for this door program is a mere $15.00 (U.S. Funds). We will mail you out your key file the same day we recieve your check (it is a lot faster to call up and get the KEY file yourself, but hey, it's up to you) Please, Make all checks payable to Bill Marcy, and only U.S. Funds please. Thanks for using our software!