Powerball Pick From Lower Level Software Registration Form What do I get when I Register? Registered version will remove the "Please ask your sysop to Register this Program" and replace it with "Registered to- Your BBS Name". Registered version will also enable the CHECKPIK.PPE to create a list of winners display file for use anywhere on your system that you want to use a display file. O.K. Cool! How much is it? Registration is $5.00 Just like it says "ONLY 5 BUCKS MAN" Just print this out or write info on piece of paper and mail it to me. Dave Leslie 1140 W. 14th Ave. Marion, Ia. 52302 Make checks payable to Dave Leslie Your Name__________________________________ Name of your BBS_______________________________ How you want me to send your Registration number to you. Check one. ____ 1. Mail...... I need your address _________________________ (name) _________________________ (address) _________________________ (city/state) ____ 2. E-Mail...... I need an E-Mail Address ____________________________ ____ 3. Call the support BBS (The Lower Level BBS) ______________________(name) (319-373-5852) ______________________(password) I need the name and password you want to use, You can then call and read a message with your registration number in it. ____ 4. Have me call your BBS (Add $1.00 for this service) Set up account with user name Dave Leslie, password powerball, and I will call and leave a comment to sysop with your registration number. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!