°±²Û DMSoft Û²±° 10/10/94 07:30 pm PDT Credits.PPE v3.30 **** NOTE ***** | With the release of PCBoard 15.2, you may notice an error message with | "unable to allocate memory for script buffer" you need to change your | Overlaybuffer size. Change the bufer size to 16 or 20 and try it. | new items since last release Credits.ppe is a ppe utility to allow users to buy credit on a BBS system using PCBoards accounting PSA capabilites under PCBoard 15.2 and with the users credit card. You must have the Accounting PSA installed and have accounting turned on in oreder to run this PPE. If either one is not set up, the ppe |Bug Fixes and changes in version 3.30 | - added language file capability to the warning file according to users | choice of language at logon or change during online. | example: warning.eng, warning.spa, warning.ger, warning.fre, etc | - added language file capability to the subscribe.txt file. This will now | be zipped up into the subscrib.zip file prior to download. Files should | be in format - subscribe.eng, subscribe.ger, etc | - added language file capability to the credit.if file - now will be | named credinf.xxx with extensions of fre, ger, spa, eng, etc | - fixed the "Is this correct" question answer mode. It now will accept | international answers. | - added xmodem as a download protocol for downloading subscrib.zip or | users invoices. | - fixed problem with security check on attempting to access config file | SYSOPS - please upgrade to this version...... Bug fix in version 3.23 - there was a problem with the tax computation. I believe the problem is now fixed. Bug fixes in version 3.22 - using a sales tax of an even number resulted in an error in computation all of the poblem was due to a badly placed endif. FIXED Bug fixes in version 3.21 - changed the version number to v3.21 - v3.20 was reading v3.12. - small bug - if a user entered credit card expiration date as the present month, the ppe rejected the date - fixed. Bug and fixes in version 3.20 -increased the size of the users address field -fixed wrong variable in the config screen three for expired sec level. -added a scrolling please wait statement while ppe scans a long trashcan file. -fixed the security (when empty) entry (accounting file under users record) update bug - wouldnt update the security -fixed the error in tax computation routine for state sales tax. -added another command line entry. Now you can type CREDITS TEST and the ppe will will not update you user record but the credits.chg, credits.log and cr(x).inv files are written. You can enter the configuration file by typing CREDITS CONFIG You can run the ppe in the test mode by typing CONFIG TEST ** There are changes in the configuration file - see below. Separated configuration file into 4 screens. Added routine to check expiration date so user cant give you an out of date credit card. Added a routine to banner display for please wait while scanning tcn file Additional items and changes in the v3.10 configuration file - added two lines in configuration file for sysops address. These are used on the invoice that the user can download. - each level now has security to raise user for that level. - each level now has the ability to change the security (when empty) on the edit user record - account form screen in the user record. When the users credits drop to zero you now can change his security level. - now can set the number of days before expiration on each user level in the credits config file. - lengthened the field for the invoice path - add handlind charge feature. If you feel that you want to recoop some of the bank card service charge you may use this to do it. - added state tax amount in the configuration file. Addition of new items in the configuration file in v2.00 release - option to raise security immediately or delay sec raise - ability to change the users expiration date - Allow or disallow use of American Express card - Allow or disallow use of Discover card. - Set the users expiration date to xxx number of days - Turn on or off the message to sysop - Set the level of each level option expired security level There is now a configuration editor - access this by typing credits config. A message will now be written, if selected, to the main board notifying the sysop that a user has purchased credits. If you do not want this feature you may now turn it off in the configuration file. The ppe will now create an invoice that is downloadable by the user. At the present time, only zmodem can be used to download the invoice. The invoice will be named according to the users record number. Example: User number 2 would have an invoice named CR2.INV. This file is appended each time a user purchases credit. Therefore he can download the invoice at any time by entering credits and selecting 3 on the main menu of credits.ppe. Have added a log file (credits.log) that will keep track of users using the ppe and the results. The log will give you a line like this: Duane Mattson,N,None This is the user name followed by whether he or purchased credis and the level he purchased. Duane Mattson,Y,09-21-94,16:56,$15.00,TEST Here the date, time, amount charged and if the ppe is in the test mode the word test is at the end of the line. There are several files included in the ppe package: Credits.ppe - The main ppe program Credits.cfg - The configuration file used by the ppe. Credinf.eng - An information file explaining the credits function and introduction to the ppe. This is the english version. You may create credinf.fre (for french) credinf.ger etc Credits.doc - This documentation file. Credits.chg - File produced credits.ppe of users order info. credlang.eng - English language file for credits.ppe credlang.fre - French translation - can have any language file credits.log - produced by ppe to log users use of the ppe & results credits.tcn - Trashcan file of bad credit card numbers credits.txt - Text info that will be left in a message to sysop. mainmnu1.eng - Credit choices when you select main menu item 1. This way you can set up your choices of options for credits or currency. By using this file in conjunction with the credlang.eng, you can have multiple language files for this option. subsrib.eng - Create this file and zip it up in the ppe directory. Users can download this and mail in their purchase information rather than using the credit card. This is now language specific. credits.vis - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on Visa accounts credits.mas - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on Master Charge credits.car - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on Carte Blanche credits.dis - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on Discover credits.din - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on Diners Club credits.opt - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on Optima credits.ame - Created by Credits.ppe for all charges on American Express These last seven files may assist you in enering electronic credit card chargs. Let me know if your needs are different. Just place these files in your ppe directory and either add the command credit in the cmd.lst file or add the line !d:\pcb\ppe\credits.ppe (make sure the path is correct for your system) to the security file. My suggestion is that you make it a stand alone program and add it to your main menu or PPE menu. This is the main menu of Credits.ppe ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Credit PPE Main Menu ³Þ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´Þ ³ 1)ÿView Levels ³Þ ³ 2)ÿPurchase credits ³Þ ³ 3)ÿDownload Subscrib.zip ³Þ ³ 4) View your invoice(s) ³Þ ³ 5)ÿQuit to BBS ³Þ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÞ ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß Selection 1 displays the mainmnu1.xxx file that you create that will show the user what choices that you offer for credit purchase. You may have several language versions of this file with extensions such as eng, fre, spa, etc. Selection 2 will let the user purchase credit. Selection 3 allows user to download his invoice. If he purchases more credits later on, his new invoice will be appened to the old one. The invoice is named according to the users number (in the user file) and can not be downloaded by other users. Selection 4 will allow the user to download a registration form called subscrib.zip so the user may purchase credits by check or money order by mail. The ppe will now compare the inputed credit card number with a trashcan list (you can even use wildcards). If the number matches, the user will be notified that the number is a bad number. Unregistered versions allow only 1 credit option. Credits.ppe v3.20 Configuation Editor Page 1 of 4 (A) Bulletin Board Name....................[The Doctors IN! BBS ] (B) Bulletin Board address.................[Duane Mattson ] (C) Bulletin Board city, state, zip........[1105 S. 348th #B-106 ] (D) Sysops full name.......................[Federal Way, WA 98003 ] (E) Phone number of your BBS...............[206-838-6727] (F) Registration number....................[000000] (G) Currency, Units or Credits.............[Units] (H) Levels of credit access................[6 ] (I) Path to invoice files..................[d:\pcb\cred\invoices\ ] [J] Raise Security immediately.............[Y] [K] Change Users Expiration date ..........[Y] [L] Allow American Express credit card.....[Y] (M] Allow Discover credit card.............[Y] (N) Send message to sysop after purchase...[N] (O) Percent of sales tax (0 if no tax).....[8.2 ] (P) Handling Charge (credit card surcharge)[$5.00] Please choose a letter to change [eX)it,(!) to Save, + next screen]? ( ) Here is an example of the layout of Pages 2 through 4. (A) First Level (units, credits)...........[50 ] (B) First Level Currency value.............[$5.00 ] (C) Sec level to raise security............[21 ] (D) Sec level to set Expired access........[19 ] (E) Sec level to set when 0 credits........[19 ] CREDITS.ppe v3.20 (F) Number of days before expiration.......[120 ] (G) Second level (units or credits)........[110 ] Configuration (H) Second Level Currency Value............[$10.00] (I) Sec level to raise security............[22 ] (J) Sec level to set Expired access........[19 ] Editor (K) Sec level to set when 0 credits........[19 ] (L) Number of days before expiration.......[145 ] Page 2 of 4 (M) Third Level (units or credits).........[175 ] (N) Third Level Currency Value............ [$15.00] (O) Sec level to raise security............[23 ] (P) Sec level to set Expired access........[19 ] (Q) Sec level to set when 0 credits........[0 ] (R) Number of days before expiration.......[180 ] Please choose a letter to change [eX)it,(!) to Save, + next screen]? ( ) The Doctors IN! BBS - of course - the name of your BBS 1105 S. 348th #B-106 - address of BBS - used on users invoice Federal Way, WA 98003 - City State and Zip of BBS on users invoice Duane Mattson - Sysops name 206-838-6727 - Your BBS phone number 000000 - Registration number - use 000000 if not reg. Units - Use either units, credits or currency (dollars) d:\pcb\cred\invoices - Path of invoice files 4 - number of credit options Y - Raise security immediately Y - Change users expiration date Y - Allow American Express card usage Y - Allow Discover card usage N - Send message to sysop after purchase $5.00 - handling charge if applicable - can be bank chg 8.2 - if there isstate sales tax (or any other tax) 50 - Value of first credit purchase level (# of units) $5.00 - Dollar value to purcahse this level 21 - Security level to raise user for this level 19 - Security level to set users expired access 19 - Security level to set users security (when empty) 120 - Number of days before users security expires. etc The addition of the security to raise user level is to allow the sysop to designate up to nine different security levels thereby providing access to certain conferences after purchasing credits at a certain level. The security level to set expired access allows sysop to lock out users or drop them to a level and after a period of non-use, to pack the users base and purge inactive users. The security (when empty) level is found in the users accounting screen and can be set to a value other that the initial setup in order to again allow purging of inactive users or drop them to a level where they can't perform varoius functions on the BBS. It will also restrict them from enering specified conferences after their credits run out. The number of days before expiration is useful for limiting the use of credits to a certain time period again allowing you to control the size of your user file. You won't have several users with minimum credits on your BBS with inactive accounts. You may use a language file. The PPE will follow PCBoards lead as to which language to use. You may create language files (credlang.XXX) where the extension serves as the language - FER - french, SPA - spanish, etc. You may use up to 9 credit options. The user can download a subscrib.zip file in which you place a purchase order form of your own creation outlining the purchase options and allowing purcahse by money order or check. Rather simple to use. The ppe will generate a credits.chg file which is a listing of all the charge activity. You can use this info to bill via a credit card transaction account. Here is an example of a credits.chg file ************************************************************* Purchased on: 09-19-94 at 11:30:30 Users name on Credit card: DUANE K. MATTSON Credit card number: 0000 0000 0000 0000 Expiration date: 09/94 BBS User Name: DUANE MATTSON Street Address 1105 S. 348th St. City, State Zip Federal Way, WA ,98003 Country USA Home phone 206-838-6727 Work phone 206-838-0600 Option Selected (5) 475 <<<<<