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Writes to the CALLERS LOG when a user WINS THE JACKPOT! û Creates a SCORES screen compatible for display as a bulletin, news screen, etc. û SELF-MAINTENANCE! û 10 JOKES can be told in game play that YOU define!!!!!! û PLAYERS WIN OR LOSE TIME ON YOUR BBS, depending on their score!!!!!!!!! û Features SURPRISE VISITS by the IRS tax collectors! û Players can "pay protection" to avoid the taxman! û Players can only play ONCE per day. This keeps 'em calling back and using the REST of your board, too! û SYSOP CONFIGURABLE high score! û Players can now TILT the machine for a benefit no other Slot Machine .PPEs currently provide. This allows a player to flirt with casino workers, get free money out of the machine, etc. But, BE CAREFUL. Casino owners DON'T LIKE to see people tilting the machines! û REGISTERED SYSOPS will soon get the next version of this, with built-in blackjack tables a player can wander over and use! ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ û ³³ SETTING ONEARM UP TO RUN: ³ ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ FOLLOW THESE STEPS *EXACTLY* TO BE UP IN A HURRY! 1) Make a directory for the ONEARM files. I keep mine in C:\PCB\CASINO Unzip the archive into this directory. Set ONEARM.PPE up in your PCBoard CMD.LST file as you would any other .PPE or have it called from an existing routine. (If you don't understand this, you can call MLPNet Central for help or anyone on Salt Air would probably be helpful. That, or read your manual.) 2) Look over registration form and take appropriate actions. 3) Edit ONEARM.CFG. This CFG file tells ONEARM where to find its program files (in case you put ONEARM.PPE in C:\PCB\PPE but put the game in C:\PCB\CASINO or some other variation), sets the high score, and other options being added for this (and future) release(s). Examine and modify this file, as needed. 4) Play the game. It sets itself up and creates ONEARM.DAT, the file with scores, etc. If you need to modify any scores or last dates played, this is just a simple ASCII file. 5) Feel free to change the display files to suit your needs. But, be forwarned, the MAIN SCREEN (TESTARM) is dependent on fields encoded into the program. You may want to put your BBS name in the red box or add a pizzazz border, but don't touch the machine's windows. (For instance, the THUDDED OUT screen can be changed to "You've been TERMINATED, or YOU CRAPPED OUT or whatever you wish. We choose to honor Thud, a virtual mascot of our fine BBS system. You don't get it? Join MLPNet and leave a message to THUD ROOTER. You'll find out why. ;) (The main screen will display UNREGISTERED if unregistered.) ONEARM creates an ASCII score bulletin with PCBoard color codes. You may also display this screen as a news screen or bulletin to help make a "contest" of the game. I can't tell you how successful this game has been on my system over the past two years. NOW, you can enjoy it TOO! ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ û ³³ REGISTRATION: ³ ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ YOUR REGISTRATION removes the delays from this game and enables me to continue writing exciting PCBoard games and utilities for YOU! Registration is easy, quick and convenient. Please see REGISTER.TXT, enclosed with this file. Thank you, as always, for your support. ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ û ³³ MY APPRECIATION: ³ ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ MY APPRECIATION: to all those who have registered my software in the past. Being disabled, every little bit helps. ÚÄÄÄ¿ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ û ³³ LEGAL STUFF: ³ ÀÄÄÄÙÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ NOTES OF INTEREST: This .PPE was written and tested EXTENSIVELY on a 386/40 with 8 megs RAM, running the 08/07/95 compilation of PCBoard for OS/2, running WIN/OS2 (blue spine box.) You MUST RUN PCBoard to use this program. If I had a dime for every sysop who said "Your PPE won't work with RBBS (WildCat, Renegade, Maximus, etc.)" I don't think I have to paint any more of THAT picture for you. THIS IS A SHAREWARE PRODUCT: Use at your own risk, and all that. If your cat jumps into the microwave, hits the button on the way in and roasts itself while you are running this program, I won't be held responsible, no matter HOW much the wife rants and raves about it. Your cat, your wife, (hell, your microwave, too!) . . . your problem. :) This program will work fine unregistered, but does show a delay when arriving and leaving. Some play options are turned off if unregistered. Once you register this program, all delays are removed and you can rest assured knowing you've done well with your fellow man. ALSO, THERE ARE MORE TILT OPTIONS TO REGISTERED SYSOPS!!!!!!!!!! REGISTERING COULDN'T BE EASIER! Fill out the enclosed REGISTER.TXT form and mail it with your funds to the address listed on the form. Allow enough time for me to get it and process it. A registered version will be available within a day or two here, or, at your request, can be mailed. WE WOULD REALLY LIKE TO SEE *YOU* JOIN MLPNET!!!! There's not another network like it ANYWHERE!!! Download MLPNET.ZIP or DSNEWS32.ZIP from MLPNet Central, or at finer BBS systems EVERYWHERE. MLPNet supports FIDO ADDRESSING! Call today to get your FTS ADDRESS!!!!!! Thank you. (What else is there to say? :)