Upgrading to Oneliners and More 1.40 ------------------------------------ From 1.30 --------- -Place the new ONELINER.PPE in your oneliners directory. -Edit ONELINER.CFG and add in a line after your registration code. It should contain the minimum security level required to use the PPE, or 'ALL' to allow everyone access to it. From 1.25 --------- -Copy the new ONELINER.PPE file into your Oneliners directory. -Edit your current ONELINER.CFG file and add in the following: Line 15: YES or No ^^^^^^^^^Whether or not you wish to run an external PPE on complettion of 'Oneliners and More'. Line 16: \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Complete path and filename of the PPE you wish to execute. If all else fails, read the docs and re-install it...:) -Liquid Flesh [Annihilation Nation]